Fall 2020 SCM POP

The Pandemic Online Platform adapts to the new school year with a suite of new and updated programs, available to you wherever you are!

See below for our listing of online activities, which are open to anyone who is aligned with SCM’s principles.

You might also want to join one of our working groups – the Social Media group (apply), the Political Writing group, or the Fundraising/Grantwriting team – contact us for more info!

All times below are in Eastern timezone. Contact peter@scmcanada.org to learn more and to get the Zoom Link if you want to join!

Another World Cafe – Hosted by SCM York & U of T
Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm on Zoom
“Another world is possible!”, goes a common protest chant. Another World Cafe is our weekly space for renovating our worldviews and stirring up our imaginations. Programming will rotate between our traditional Radical Bible Study, conversations about deep ecology and eco-grief, and hands-on zine-making sessions. Please bring your favourite hot drink, a notebook or sketchbook, and whatever art supplies you have around.

Sitting With the Spirit – SCM Canada
Fridays, 1 pm – 1:45 pm on Zoom
A weekly space for prayer and meditation, informed by the Christian tradition, and open to people of all spiritual, religious and secular traditions. Email peter@scmcanada.org if you would like to join.

Contextual Bible Study – Hosted by SCM Ryerson
Thursdays, 10:30 am on Zoom
Join us for our regular contextual Bible study, also known as, “Bible study without predetermined answers”. You don’t have to be a Ryerson student to join us!

Friday Night Hangouts
Fridays, 7:30 – 9 pm Eastern, on Zoom
Join SCMers and friends to play games, watch movies or just hang out. Contact peter@scmcanada.org for details of each week, or check the York or U of T SCM Facebook groups.

Apply to volunteer in the Social Media Team

SCM Media Team

Seeking SCM Social Media Team Volunteers!

Are you a creative with a passion for social media and content production?
Do you want to help support an inclusive Christian student community that celebrates diversity of gender, sexual orientation, cultural and racialized identity, and ability, and that participates in struggles for equity?

Join our SCM Social Media Team!

SCM is seeking volunteers of all levels to contribute to a team that will combine design, education, and promotion. The positions exist with the aim of allowing students to grow in their content creation skills while growing SCM’s online presence. Apply here.

Some examples of SCM Design
Inspired? Keen to go bigger, better, bolder? Read on!

Responsibilities include:

  • Brainstorming and executing methods of content creation within a team
  • Creating posts that:
  • promote activities such as Contextual Bible Studies and Game Nights;
  • showcase the activities we do;
  • educate on the topics we discuss, such as climate justice, decolonization etc.
  • Working virtually with a team in order to create regular content production for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
  • Offering creative ideas on how to present information and create an online identity
  • Coordinating with teammates to organize tasks and responsibilities
  • Reposting, sharing, and maintaining good online rapport with the organizations we collaborate with

Term: The 3-month position is planned for October to December, 2020.

Application: Please apply at this link.

The deadline is Sunday October 4th, with later applications accepted until all three positions are filled.

Seeking SCM Ryerson coordinator

Are you a student leader with a passion for faith, justice and the arts?

Do you long for an inclusive Christian student community that celebrates diversity of gender, sexual orientation, cultural and racialized identity, and ability, and that participates in struggles for equity?

Are you passionate about social justice, climate justice, decolonization and transformative ecumenical/inter-faith cooperation?

The SCM Ryerson Coordinator will be a full or part-time Ryerson University student with a passion for faith-based engagement with students that is consistent with the mandate of the Student Christian Movement of Canada: “radical faith in action – community in diversity”

First Lutheran Church www.firstelc.ca provides a physical or virtual home-base for SCM Ryerson, and its pastor is a “supporting chaplain” to SCM Ryerson and a member of the Ryerson Spiritual Collective.


  • Maintain the recognized club status of SCM Ryerson with the Ryerson Student Union and Ryerson Student Life.
  • Promote Ryerson SCM through available opportunities such as Orientation Week, tabling (as permitted), online events, etc.
  • Maintain a list of RU student contacts interested in Ryerson SCM and its faith and justice programs.
  • Plan, promote and deliver Ryerson SCM programs (COVID-19 compliant) such as SCM contextual Bible studies, film nights, and topical events, e.g., Green faith, Qu(e)erying Religion, etc.
  • Build relationships with suitable campus groups and programs to create synergies: e.g., Rye Pride, Trans Awareness Month, International Women’s Day, Black History Month, the Ryerson Spiritual Collective, etc.
  • Support and promote appropriate events offered by First Lutheran, eg. The Table, ZOOM events, etc.
  • Promote SCM national and regional programs, e.g., GTA retreats, Cahoots Festival, and World Student Christian Federation conferences and exchanges.

The SCM Ryerson Coordinator receives a monthly honorarium of $250 from First Lutheran Church. Program expenses (within a prescribed budget) will also be reimbursed.

The position is offered from September to December 2020, with the possibility of renewal January to April 2021 contingent upon funding.

Accountability: The SCM Ryerson Coordinator is accountable to the pastor at First Lutheran Church and the SCM GTA board of directors.

Applications and deadline:
Please submit a letter of application and resume to pastor@firstelc.ca by August 28, 2020. If necessary late applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate has accepted the position.

SCM Ryerson is a collaborative ministry partnership initiated by First Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Ministry of Toronto with the Student Christian Movement of Canada and the SCM-GTA.
Funding for this ministry is generously provided by the Youth and Young Adults Ministry of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.

WSCF Global Talk – June 27

COVID-19, its Social Intersection and the Role of the SCMs

COVID-19 as a global pandemic has its own effect on the health and lives of people. However, the crisis has exacerbated the profound inequalities of the system we live with, and have presented different intersections impacting the lives of the most vulnerable: the poor, informal workers, women, unemployed youth, forced migrants and refugees. The crisis has shown the impact of weakened democracies at a time when states should be focused on preventing and minimizing the impact of COVID in all its dimensions and intersections.

Join this first dialogue between SCMs worldwide on COVID-19, its impacts, and our responsibilities and opportunities as Movements.

Register at shorturl.at/jmoA9

Saturday, June 27, 13:00 GMT

Vancouver (Pacific) 6am
Edmonton (Mountain) 7am
Winnipeg (Central) 8am
Toronto (Eastern) 9am
Halifax (Atlantic) 10am


Connect with the SCM through the Pandemic Online Platform!
All times below are in Eastern (UTC-4). Please adjust for your timezone.

Radical Bible Study, Wednesdays, 4pm-6pm
A participant-led, non-doctrinal exploration of scripture and our role in our lives. We begin with a check in, explore a text or story suggested by a participant, and let the discussion go.
Participate in the Radical Bible Study! Meeting ID: 366 237 322

The Chaplain Is In, Thursdays, 2:30pm (40 mins)
United Church of Canada Chaplains have joined us online in this spiritually nourishing weekly series.
May 28: “Ask Anything
June 4: “Uplifting Confession + Grounding Meditation
June 11: “SCM’s Sacred Animal Stories
June 18: “An Exploration of Home
Join chaplains & students across Turtle Island. Meeting ID: 983 5307 6092

Sitting with the Spirit, Fridays, 12noon (40 mins)
We gather together in spacious solidarity to pray and reflect. Share your thoughts and fears, hopes and prayers, in silence or aloud.
Join Sitting with the Spirit Meeting ID: 827 9335 4796, Password: 868246

SCM Movie Night, Fridays, 7pm
Catching up on important movies and documentaries. Join us for some socializing, movie begins at 7:30.
Join us! Meeting ID: 852 6499 5370
Note that you cannot phone in to Movie Night

June 13 – Emerging from the Cave, a One-Day Retreat with the SCM exploring the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi and living in the midst of pandemic through art and reflection. Sliding scale, $0 – $20

Call for Papers


According to the Youth Progress Report of 2017, this generation of young people (18-30) is the largest ever in history. Young people are connected to one other like never before and want to already contribute towards the revival of Church and communities, proposing innovative ways of approach, solutions, driving social progress and inspiring change in different levels.

The World Council of Churches Youth Engagement in the ecumenical movement calls for submission of papers with the guidelines below. The aim is to listen and learn from young people in different contexts (and regions). The articles will be collected in a book published by WCC that will address today’s concerns, challenges, and transformative actions of
young people’s engagement in the ecumenical movement.

Criteria and Guidelines for submission:

  • Author must be a young person between the ages 18 and 30 years old.
  • All submissions must be in English, since the book will be published in English.
  • 25-30 Abstracts will be selected and invited to submit the full articles for the final round of selection.
  • The editorial team will make sure that authors selected have a balance representation of the eight regions, different church families/traditions, gender, location, expertise, etc.

Articles should deal with at least one or the four following questions. Make sure that you indicate in your abstract the specific question/s that you will address:

  • Where do you see young people in the ecumenical movement today?
  • What are the challenges that young people face in the religious space and church community, in relation to their role in the ecumenical movement?
  • In which areas do you see transformational potential of young people in the ecumenical movement?
  • With the young people’s engagement, what do you envision of the ecumenical movement, moving forward?
    Authors should ONLY send us an abstract of 350 words maximum. We do not need the full article in this first round of selection.
    The 25-30 authors of the chosen abstracts will be informed of their selection by 30 June 2020.
    Selected authors must submit their final article for peer-review on 20 November 2020.
    Final articles should be between 2,500 words minimum and 3,500 words maximum
  • The article could include a case study in your context.
  • The author is invited to include voices from other authors by indicating them in the footnotes or endnotes.
    Send your application electronically to: Youth@wcc-coe.org
    Subject: Call for Papers- name of author
    See attachment for the full call for papers and submission form.

Summer Job Posting

Working with First Lutheran Church and SCM Ryerson.
35 hrs per week, for 12 weeks of the summer

First Lutheran Church and the Student Christian Movement collaborate to offer student outreach and campus ministry at Ryerson University in the form of contextual Bible Studies and other programs. First Lutheran is a historic congregation nestled in the heart of Ryerson campus. SCM at Ryerson University is a recognized student club of the Ryerson Student Union and one of three SCM units in the GTA.
The Summer Intern will be responsible for maintaining and supporting SCM Ryerson program offerings in collaboration and cross-sponsorship with SCM GTA and SCM Canada. The Summer Intern will support the program life of First Lutheran Church which will include worship leadership and preaching.

Duties & Responsibilities

  1. Ryerson Student Christian Movement (SCM Rye): to lead and support SCM Rye, through social media and online programs with SCM GTA and SCM Canada, eg., online Radical Bible Study, movie nights, Cahoots DIY Festival and the SCM GTA fall retreat.
  2. LGBTQ2SAI Faith-based programs: to support and deliver queer and trans positive events, eg,
    The Table Talk, Queer Christian Fellowship, etc.
  3. First Lutheran social media: to animate First Lutheran social media accounts with suitable content, i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, website.
  4. First Lutheran worship: to support, plan and participate in Sunday services including summer pastoral vacation replacement.
  5. Administration: to perform other and related administrative tasks as assigned.


  • Graduate or mature undergraduate student with a passion for justice and community in theological perspective.
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills, including group facilitation.
  • Self-motivated with the ability to take initiative and work from home
  • Adept social media skills.
  • A team player with a positive outlook.

Key Competencies

  • Enthusiasm and ability to promote and deliver faith-based study programs, eg. Contextual Bible study.
  • Ability to sustain and build online student and young adult community in a time of pandemic
  • Able to understand, organize and lead online programs in a Christian setting as part of a team of paid and volunteer leaders.
  • Superior social media and communications skills.
  • Excellent social intelligence and non-anxious, consensus-building workstyle.

This position is contingent upon the approval of a First Lutheran funding application.This position will be filled on a “tele-commuting” basis until such point as COVID19 restrictions are lifted and face-to-face gatherings are permitted. The position will require some evening and weekend work.

An acceptable criminal record check, including the level of clearance required to work with vulnerable people will be required.
First Lutheran Church, Toronto is a small downtown congregation with a big heart. First welcomes all regardless of age, race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation or creed. www.firstelc.ca
The Ryerson Student Christian Movement is a local unit of the Student Christian Movement in Canada, and a partner with First Lutheran in campus ministry. www.scmcanada.org
To apply: please send letter of application and resume to pastor@firstelc.ca by April 30. Late applications will be accepted, and applications will be considered until a suitable candidate has accepted the position. All interviews will be conducted online.

Cahoots Transfigured

Dear Friends

The Cahoots Core Organizing Group decided to cancel the in-person Cahoots festival for 2020, which had held the theme ‘2020 Vision’. We will be issuing refunds to everyone who bought tickets already.

In its place we are planning a two-session online event on Saturday May 23, called Cahoots Transfigured. This free event will use some of the planning for the in-person festival and some new programming, to offer us a chance to connect and explore Faith, Justice, and DIY.

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on Sat May 23, 2020.


The SCM’s Pandemic Online Platform is up and running – bringing our blend of theology, social justice, community building and humour.

We are aiming for 4 events each week, using the Zoom platform, as well as some impromptu hangouts organized by participants.

Monday Meditation – 12:30 Eastern
Wednesday Radical Bible Study – 4p-6pm Eastern
Thursday Fasting from Fear prayer time 4-5pm Eastern
Friday Movie Night – 7pm Eastern

Check the SCM Canada Facebook Page, or email peter@scmcanada.org to find out how to connect with SCM POP.


New Office!

After many years sharing office space with KAIROS Canada, the Student Christian Movement Canada Office is packing up and moving across town to new digs!

Please update your address books to:

Student Christian Movement of Canada
103 Bellevue Ave
Toronto, ON
M5T 2N8

We are very happy to be working in the beautiful Church of St Stephen-in-the-Fields, which also hosts the Canada Office of Christian Peacemaker Teams, the Toronto Seed Library, and many other groups and one-off events bringing together the arts, faith, and a concern for social justice.

While we will miss our friends at KAIROS, we anticipate continuing connections to the shared ecumenical world of justice-seeking, faithful organizing.