Connect with the SCM through the Pandemic Online Platform! All times below are in Eastern (UTC-4). Please adjust for your timezone. Radical Bible Study, Wednesdays, 4pm-6pm A participant-led, non-doctrinal exploration of scripture and our role in our lives. We begin with a check in, explore a text or story suggested by a participant, and let the discussion go. Participate in the Radical Bible Study! Meeting ID: 366 237 322 The Chaplain Is In, Thursdays, 2:30pm (40 mins) United Church of Canada Chaplains have joined us online in this spiritually nourishing weekly series. May 28: “Ask Anything” June 4: “Uplifting Confession + Grounding Meditation” June 11: “SCM’s Sacred Animal Stories” June 18: “An Exploration of Home” Join chaplains & students across Turtle Island. Meeting ID: 983 5307 6092 Sitting with the Spirit, Fridays, 12noon (40 mins) We gather together in spacious solidarity to pray and reflect. Share your thoughts and fears, hopes and prayers, in silence or aloud. Join Sitting with the Spirit Meeting ID: 827 9335 4796, Password: 868246 SCM Movie Night, Fridays, 7pm Catching up on important movies and documentaries. Join us for some socializing, movie begins at 7:30. Join us! Meeting ID: 852 6499 5370 Note that you cannot phone in to Movie Night |

June 13 – Emerging from the Cave, a One-Day Retreat with the SCM exploring the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi and living in the midst of pandemic through art and reflection. Sliding scale, $0 – $20