Your generosity counts!
Generations of young adults have found a home in the Student Christian Movement. Our Local Units provide community and formation to students leaving behind their childhood congregations to go to university, or exploring the role of faith and justice in their life. SCM’s local, national, and international programs are supported by congregations, foundations, denominations – but most significantly, by individuals who recognise the importance of promoting critical analysis, warm community, and faith exploration in the Christian tradition.
We are so grateful to our Senior Friends (or Super Friends!) who were part of the SCM at university and now undergird our efforts with their donations.
There are many ways to support us financially.
Monthly Giving and One Time Online Donation Options
You can make a one-time or monthly donation online through CanadaHelps!
These systems deduct a small percentage and issue your tax receipt.
To send us a cheque, make it out to Student Christian Movement and mail to:
Student Christian Movement of Canada
103 Bellevue Ave
Toronto, ON
M5T 2N8
You can make SCM a beneficiary of your will. This can be for any amount, or a percentage of what remains of your estate. There are significant tax benefits to allocating a gift for SCM in your will.
You can include SCM in your will by writing something as simple as:”I direct my Trustee to give to Student Christian Movement the sum of $____ (or ___% of my estate) to be used in support of its general charitable purposes.”
Please contact the SCM Office for more information.
SCM is a registered charity, and all donations are tax deductible and will be promptly receipted. Our charitable number is 10804 3936 RR 0001.
Thank you to all our donors!