Join our faith and action programs!

Join an SCM Canada Committee

Help create our faith-in-action programs, by getting together with other folks in the spirit of collaboration and experimentation. We form committees to deal with particular issues, including campaigns, study groups, and designing resources. Our Communications Collective is always looking for people inclined towards writing statements, making memes, and establishing online presence. Our annual Cahoots Festival is designed by a volunteer Core Organizing Group. info@scmcanada.orgĀ 

Attend Cahoots Festival

An annual Faith, Justice, and DIY festival with 30 workshops, great music and art. The festival brings together over 150 people from 10 denominations. Tickets are very affordable – usually around $100 for 4 days of workshops, all meals included, and cabin or camping. All the programming is organised by the attendees – we’re all about ‘DIY’ rather than flying in big-name speakers.

Expose yourself to New Ideas through our Global Programs

We offer opportunities to learn about another context and new ideas every year through our global programs. Sometimes we travel to retreats in the US and sometimes we travel globally and visit other justice and faith movements. We also take part in World Student Christian Federation international events.

Join an SCM Group in Your Area

The basic unit of SCM is the Local Unit. SCM groups provide a safe space for students to explore spiritual questions and to work together on justice-focused projects. Check out the Local Unit page for details of existing groups, and how to get in touch.

Organize an SCM Group in Your Area

No SCM in your area?

We can help you start one! We will help you set-up your group and provide training to run its activities. We also have a step-by-step manual that helps you to organize your group, with activity ideas, funding, group dynamics and other suggestions.

Download Organizing Manual

In your SCM group you can:

  • Facilitate Progressive Bible studies and discussion circles
  • Organize movie and dinner nights on justice issues
  • Organize an open mic night on the social gospel
  • Run feminist bible studies
  • Organize public actions to witness for justice
  • Lead ecumenical or/and interfaith worship and developĀ spiritual practices
  • Run anti-oppression & theology workshops
  • Hold interfaith dialogue and social action
  • Bake sales to raise money for activist organisations
  • Retreats & leadership development
  • Do something awesome we can’t even imagine!

Contact us at to start a group.