Holy Toast : La Sainte Rôtie

It’s 9am and you can smell toast, eggs and jam in the air. The sun is streaming through the big window that looks out onto rue University, and the common room at the college is abuzz with laughter.

Friday, September 15, was the soft launch of the Holy Toast / La sainte rôtie breakfast worship service. The liturgy was fresh off the printer, meaningful, riddled with mistakes (including Jesus. The daughter of God—en Française) and bilingual. The jam was all homemade (apple pear and peach) and deliciously smeared across crispy pieces of toast. There were homemade muffins, murmured confessions, and loud happy singing. Though the group was small, eight core people, it was filled with hope and humility. As well, eight was a great turn out considering breakfast with the former Archbishop of Canterbury was taking place a block away at the Anglican seminary. 

The group will be meeting every second Friday morning for the rest of the term. Sharing breakfast, stories, music and a little bit of our lives. The passion is to see a bilingual, contemporary, liturgical, social justice and totally LGBTQIA inclusive service available to folks from campuses in the downtown core. We’re proud to have UQAM, UdeM, Concordia and McGill students as part of our community.

If you’re in Montréal, considering joining us. There’s always room at the table. 

The Holy Toast Community | La communauté de la sainte rôtie

Email the coordinator

September highlights from the SCM

Read the ‘Back to School Newsletter‘ with details of our summer activities and some of what we are looking forward to this autumn.

University of Toronto is continuing its tradition of Radical Bible Studies. We use a methodology that allows each participant to offer from their own life experience and draw their own conclusions about the Bible texts.

The UofT and York University branches of the SCM are holding a one-day retreat on Saturday 23rd Sept, exploring peacemaking, inclusion and creativity in ‘God’s Kitchen’. Read more here

The Holy Toast Community | La communauté de la sainte rôtie

SCM Montreal/MÉC-Montréal is hosting a biweekly gathering – Holy Toast / La Sainte Rôtie – for those who love Jesus, breakfast, and great conversation!

Our friends in Edmonton are working hard on the amazing conference Your Faith on Feminism. If you’re able to attend this October 20-22, you can learn more and register here.

If you’re not able to attend, please consider making a donation so that others can participate!


Heading into another school year, we are thankful for the chance to represent Jesus and the Church on campus. Our concerns with radical ecumenism and solidarity with the oppressed sometimes set us apart from other Christian groups on campus, and we are grateful for all the support we receive from campus chaplains, local ministers, and Senior Friends.

Federation News 2017:2

The latest Federation News is ready to read! – download it here.

Featuring reports, articles, analysis and prayer from:

  • Cairo conference on Peace-building in the Middle East and Overcoming Violence
  • Online General Assembly & constitutional amendments
  • Global programme on Identity, Diversity & Dialogue
  • Asia-Pacific, and Latin America & Caribbean
  • WSCF-Europe training course on combating hate speech
  • The un-settling work of indigenous solidarity: a North American perspective
  • Tributes to Senior friends

We are thankful for the ongoing work of the staff and volunteers throughout the regions of the World Student Christian Federation.

That All May Be One!

Read Federation News here

Everyone Belongs! – a reflection

“Everyone Belongs in the Kitchen” is the tagline of the Student Christian Movement’s September retreat this year. What kitchen? And, who is ‘everyone’?

The phrase comes from a joke that exists in multiple memes online, which takes the tired sexist dismissal ‘Women belong in the kitchen’ and draws it out:

Women belong in the kitchen.
Men belong in the kitchen.
Everyone belongs in the kitchen.
Kitchen has food.

Based on SCM practice, I can confidently say that we applaud both undermining sexism and spending time in the kitchen. Preparing food and eating together is an important gathering practice, and we like witty memes.

But, if the kitchen isn’t accessible to everyone, even if everyone is welcomed at the table, it falls short of belonging. Our physical spaces and our social structures echo each other – sometimes oppression looks like a set of steps or an embedded image on a website with no plain text description.

SCMers would also try to push beyond the implied gender binary, to ensure that ‘belonging’ also applies for trans*, genderqueer, nonbinary and intersex individuals. It’s important that ‘everyone’ does not silence or erase the differences we have in our midst.

In the same way, we join the chorus that says ‘Black Lives Matter’, rather than ‘All Lives Matter’, because naming the absolute value and significance of Black people and communities is our responsibility when practices and policies of police and society uphold racism and violence as ‘business as usual’. ‘All lives’ are not threatened, devalued, and ended. Black lives are.

But I digress. We chose ‘Everyone Belongs in the Kitchen’ for our event because:

  • our program includes preparing and sharing food, reflecting on this as a practice of communion and solidarity, and;
  • we plan to read a stunning poem-prayer by George Ella Lyon that speaks of this universe as God’s Kitchen, and;
  • we believe that everyone has a place in God’s kitchen, and;
  • we have to create this kitchen where everyone belongs, consciously and carefully.

This is our intention. Not just to create a space of belonging, but to expand our ideas of what belonging means, practicing the skills and building the relationships to support this holy, necessary, work.

~ Peter Haresnape, SCM Canada General Secretary


We invite you to join us, or recommend a friend participate in A Pinch of Salt: Everyone Belongs in the Kitchen on Sept 23, Toronto Island. The Church of St Andrews-by-the-Lake is an accessible space.

Tickets are available – $25 for lunch, ferry ride and workshops (price reduced by kind support of SCM York and SCM Toronto). Contact us if cost is a barrier!

Download the poster: A Pinch Of Salt

Mamawe Ota Askihk – October, Manitoba

Mamawe Ota Askihk – Sharing Life Together Here on Earth

October 16-20 – small group
October 20-21 – overnight SCM retreat
October 21 – larger event
Beausejour, Manitoba

Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre, Ploughshares Community Farm, Canadian Mennonite University, Student Christian Movement & the Feast for Friends partners present : a festival & a feast for friends

Gather with Indigenous community leaders and settler allies to to reclaim the homebred, the homespoken, the homegrown, and the homemade.

Come root yourself in an understanding of the land as our health. Share in the spiritual teaching, laughter, and new learning. And most importantly, taste the beauty of friendships formed through nurturing one another as the earth nurtures us.

October 16 – 20: A week-long festival where we’ll winnow wild rice, tan an animal hide, smoke fish, can berry preserves, share skills and tell stories.

October 21: The “Feast for Friends” will wrap up our week with a day of games, ceremony, show & tell, and of course, sharing good food together.

To register and learn more, see the Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre Website

To participate in a Friday night retreat for SCMers, contact info@scmcanada.org


Your Faith On Feminism – Oct, Edmonton

What?​ Your Faith on Feminism Conference
When?​ October 20 – 22, 2017
Where?​ St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta, Edmonton
How?​ Please register by filling out the Registration Form​. Call for Papers below, or read here.
Fee?​ Registration costs vary from $100 – $275 CAD based on billeting and student status.

Your Faith on Feminism is an interfaith and ecumenical conference where feminist advocates of various ages and walks of life will share ideas, build community and participate in worship.

Friday evening to Sunday, the program will encompass discussion-based educational and creative breakout sessions, music and worship, and reflections on what it means to be a feminist in the present, global
atmosphere of fear, war and oppression.

Individuals and groups are invited to submit papers at any stage of the writing process to be workshopped in an informal, academic group environment, facilitated by experienced and knowledgeable feminist advocates but with the understanding that everyone has wisdom.

A set of conference papers will be published on the ideas presented and discussed by participating students and ministers, including the influence of workshops and the community.

Participants of all intersections, including age, race, culture, gender, size, ability, sexuality and faith, will contribute to their collective knowledge on diversity in feminism and enrich their activism with interfaith dialogue, friendships and intergenerational context. Relationships of mutual giving will develop across distance and divides both literal and figurative to help empower women and feminist advocates of various faiths to create meaningful change in their communities.

Download Your Faith On Feminism (PDF) here.

Call for Papers
Feminist advocacy is, as bell hooks has said, a movement to end sexist oppression. Sexist oppression enacted on different groups and identities confers varying degrees of power and privilege (or a lack thereof) to different aspects of our identities. Feminism must—or ought to, by the great diversity of its advocates—be an intersectional movement. As people of faith, in all our varying contexts, we are called to challenge injustices and empower each other to free ourselves from spiritual, emotional and physical bondage.

Feminisms must subvert misogyny and patriarchy wherever they are found, including in our holy texts. Feminist theology intersects with and incorporates rich and diverse ways of understanding and critiquing both feminism and faith, such as liberation theology or queer theology.

This conference focuses on how faith and feminisms come together, sometimes explosively, in our time of global political upheaval, war, oppression and increased fear of the other.

We are seeking papers at any stage of the writing process that are rooted in faith and use intersectional feminist theology to address at least one of the following themes:
● Terrorism and fear
● War
● Racism
● Xenophobia
● Islamophobia
● Antisemitism
● Colonialism and reconciliation
● Gender identity
● Sexual orientation

Abstracts (limit 300 words) can be sent to wscfna@gmail.com for review.
The deadline for submissions is August 18, 2017 and participants will be informed of acceptance by October 1, 2017. Participation from all walks of life is welcome and celebrated.

Post-conference, finished papers and reflections will be published, if consent is given, by World Student Christian Federation North America.

Celebration! All welcome!

September 21, 2017, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Please join us to hear an update about the WSCF from Luciano Kovacs, North American Staff for the World Student Christian Federation.
This is also an opportunity to celebrate and thank Luciano for his almost ten-year contribution to the leadership of the WSCF in North America and the global Federation before he leaves WSCF at the end of December.

Peter Haresnape, Coordinator of the SCM in Canada will also bring us an update. All welcome.

Christie Gardens
600 Melita Cres.
Recreation Room, Lower Level
7:00-9:00 p.m.
RSVP andersonbetsy528@gmail.com or 416-656-6064

2017 09 21 Celebration

2017 09 21 Invitation

Cahoots Updates – July

Advance Donation

It’s been a little over a month since Cahoots 2017, and we’ve already received a donation for next year from a “kindred spirit” who was unable to attend this year’s fest! Thanks so much to our anonymous donor!

Cahoots is made possible through your donations, so if you’d like to contribute to another year of faith, justice, and DIY, you can do so through the Cahoots fund of SCM Canada. Contact our office or donate online, perhaps through CanadaHelps (click here), or through Chimp (click here).

Donations help us offer affordable tickets to students and lower-income individuals and families. We are deeply grateful to all our donors, and to the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada for their generous support!

Creative & Critical Bible Stories

Sunday morning at Cahoots involved a rather raucous retelling of the Genesis Creation Story by the children, featuring animal sounds, ribbon dances, and critiquing interjections.

If you would like to access the script as a resource, you can find it: (click here)

Matched Donations – up to $150 each!

Did you know that Chimp.ca is offering up to match donations of up to $150 over 6 months (up to $25/month for six months)? They are hoping to inspire charitable giving in Canada, so if you’re looking to donate to the SCM or another awesome charitable cause today, this is a good way to go about it!



Building Bridges with Peace Sunday – Sept 24, 2017

Walkers cross a rope bridge over the Roseau River in Manitoba
Roseau River, Manitoba, Canada. Building bridges – the theme of Peace Sunday 2017 Photo: Karla Braun

Is your congregation celebrating Peace Sunday this year?

International Day of Peace is marked annually on September 21, with marches, songs, mourning rituals and the call for an end to violence and warfare around the world. The closest Sunday is celebrated as Peace Sunday – this year, on September 24.

Mennonite World Conference has produced a packet of materials for worship leaders and preachers serving their congregations on that day, using the text of Ephesians 2:11-22 and the theme of Building Bridges.

Are you involved in preaching, worship leading, or other aspects of serving at church?

Letter of Invitation – – – Link to Worship Resources – – – Website (with link to photo gallery)

The package includes song suggestions, scriptural analysis, photography, sermon suggestions and themes, liturgies and worship activities, and inspiring, challenging accounts of peacemaking and reconciliation around the world.

If you use these resources, please let the MWC Peace Commission know (details in the Letter of Invitation) and share the news with us at SCM – we would love to share your pictures and stories!