SCM Canada and SCM Philippines’ Statement at PSONA

The People’s State of the Nation Address (PSONA) is an event hosted by activists as a counter-narrative to the Filipino President’s State of the Nation Address (SONA). Anakbayan Toronto organized a PSONA rally this year on July 25th. SCM Canada was asked to write a speech, which was delivered by Rosie from Anakbayan Toronto. You can watch this speech on ABTO’s Instagram (@anakbayanto) IGTV, along with the entire event that was recorded live. Below is the written statement we’ve contributed. Credits to Divy Sallentes Uptegrove and Simon Bondoc from SCM Canada, and Kjerrimyr Rodrigo Andrés from SCM Philippines for contributing to this statement.

I was told PSONA is a counter-narrative. I have observed that in the church, on the streets there is a narrative by church goers that Duterte is God sent. That he is the iron fist that saves. But SCM, along with many Churches and religious organizations in the Philippines, has a counter-narrative.

The Student Christian Movement all over the world including Canada and the Philippines, feels called to engage the prophetic teachings of the revolutionary Jesus of Nazareth. When I think about examples in the Bible where followers of Jesus are being persecuted, I’m reminded of the clergy in the Philippines being arrested and EJK’d for their gospel work of serving the poor. For being a prophetic voice in a broken nation who continues to see hope. 

Pastor Dan Balucio,  Pastors Camilo Tabada, Benjie Gomez, Pastor Dan San Andres, and Rev. Nathaniel Vallente

These are some of the many names of clergy who are punished for doing the work of the Gospel. To be Christians doing this work means to have hope, and operate out of our prophetic eye. Our ability to see justice play out.

I want to echo the voices of Chrisitan activists in the Philippines such as Bishop Marigza, the former secretary general of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines who had this to say:

“Our church workers have been faithful to their pastoral duty to accompany the downtrodden, the poor and the marginalized. They have been instruments to proclaim the good news of salvation to God’s Anawim (the poor, the marginalized), and to expose and denounce evil. Their unwavering stand against any attempt to suppress and oppress the people’s basic and fundamental rights make them a target of a government that is coward yet intolerant to criticism” End quote

I reached out to several SCMers in preparation to write this statement. As I heard back from Kej, a member of Student Christian Movement of the Philippines, he told me that as I was asking him about this, one of their projects got red-tagged. He wanted to say to you:

“Our prayers reflect the horrible health and socio-economic crisis the Filipino masses want to end and the political system that they want to hold accountable. But even these daily expression of our faith is now being attacked. In his more than five years in office, attacks against church people have worsened. This is an affront to our religious expression to let our faith push us to serve God and His people. His regime marks a very unChristian point in our history. Thus, from our prayers to our actions, it is our faith imperative to remove him from his office and do not let any successor continue this bloody and tortuous rule.” End quote.

And so, I say with clear conviction that from the ecumenical, and Christian perspective, the Duterte administration needs to end. The persecution of clergy who stand up for the people that Duterte has NEVER stood up for needs to end. SCM is in solidarity with the Philppine masse, for the people united will never be defeated.

Thank you. Oust Duterte. 

The best check in questions for your next Zoom meeting

Throughout what feels like the past few hundred Zoom calls I’ve been able to facilitate over these past two years, I’ve found some great check in questions that are conscientious, yet deep enough to work well with any group. Here are five of my favourite!

  1. Tell me something about your name. This prompt is really good because it gives agency to the participant. They can share something intensely deep about their name’s meaning, or they can simply share whether they like or dislike their name. There’s a lot of flexibility with this question. It’s also great for first meetings because it offers an anchor for folks to remember each other’s names better.
  2. What struggles, joys, and/or questions are you bringing with you today? In my experience, this question allows groups to open up more and get used to sharing their thoughts and feelings. This is super helpful for groups that are discussion centered, such as Bible studies. It builds community, and helps us know what’s going on in other people’s lives. It can be a heavy question leading to folks sharing hard experiences, so be prepared for this and realize what atmosphere you’re creating when you ask this question.
  3. Pick an object in the room that you’re in, and describe it to us. If you like, you can also share a memory you have with it. The reason I love this prompt is because it touches on my anthropology/archaeology education. You can learn a lot about someone’s life just by looking at their place of living. These items help give insight into what people in your group are into: what art they like, what hobbies they have, and maybe some significant memories.
  4. What is one of your favourite articles of clothing? Why? How does it make you feel/what memories do you have associated with it? This question is light and can also be more creative on Zoom where folks can grab and show their favourite garment to others. It also gives more insight into people that would be available irl but not online.
  5. Let’s take a moment to drop into our body. What sensations are you noticing? Are your hands cold? What do you smell? Can you still taste what you had for lunch? I grabbed this one from therapy. Share what sensations you’re noticing in your body, and inviting others to do the same is a way to transcend our screens and share physical space. If you want to make it even more body focussed and calming, invite folks to take a collective deep breath before acknowledging how our bodies are feeling.

My last piece of advice- I’ve noticed that with check in questions, it’s better to get folks to tag the next person, as opposed to doing it popcorn style. Unless you’re the type of facilitator who enjoys watching your participants squirm, then I suggest you do popcorn style and watch the awkward silences and stares commence. I’ll pray for you.

SCM is looking for a new X University Coordinator [formerly known as “Ryerson”]

Are you a student leader with a passion for faith, justice and the arts? Do you long for an
inclusive Christian student community that celebrates diversity of gender identity, sexual
orientation, racialization, and ability? Are you passionate about Black Lives Matter, the Truth
and Reconciliation Commission, transformative ecumenical/inter-faith practice and climate
justice? Consider this:

Student Christian Movement – X University [formerly known as “Ryerson” University] Chapter is
an affiliate student group on campus in ministry, in partnership with First Lutheran Church,
Lutheran Campus Ministry of Toronto, Student Christian Movement of Canada and the Student
Christian Movement – GTA. Funding for this ministry is generously provided by the Youth and
Young Adults Ministry of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.
The SCM X University [formally “Ryerson” University] Coordinator will be a full or part-time X
University student with a passion for faith-based engagement with students that is consistent
with the mandate of the Student Christian Movement of Canada: “radical faith in action –
community in diversity” See

First Lutheran Church provides a physical or virtual home-base for SCM X
University, and its pastor is a “supporting chaplain” to SCM and a member of the Spiritual
Collective at the university.

  • Build on the established recognized club status of SCM X-University with the X University Student Union and X University Student Life to maintain club status.
  • Promote SCM through available opportunities such as Orientation Week, tabling (as permitted), online events, etc.
  • Manage communications for SCM-X-University for students, stakeholders and events.
  • Plan, promote and deliver X University SCM programs (COVID19 compliant) such as SCM contextual Bible studies, film nights, and topical events, eg: Green faith, Qu(e)erying Religion, etc.
  • Attend and represent SCM-X University at Student Union meetings and initiatives.
  • Build relationships with suitable campus groups and programs to create synergies: eg. Rye Pride, Trans Awareness Month, International Women’s Day, Black History Month, the Ryerson Spiritual Collective, etc.
  • Collaborates on appropriate events offered by First Lutheran, eg. The Table, ZOOM events, etc.
  • Collaborates with SCM national and regional programs, eg. GTA retreats, Cahoots, and an awareness of the World Student Christian Federation

The SCM X University Coordinator receives a monthly honorarium of $250 sponsored by First
Lutheran Church. Program expenses (within a prescribed budget) will also be contributed.


The position is offered from September to December 2021, with the possibility of renewal
January to April 2022 contingent upon funding.


The SCM X University Coordinator is accountable to the X University Student Union, First
Lutheran Church and the Student Christian Movement – GTA board of directors.

Applications and deadline:

Please submit a letter of application and resume to by August 16, 2021.
Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate has accepted the position.

SCM York and U of T are hiring!

SCM’s York and U of T chapters are each hiring a campus coordinator for the 2021-2022 year.

The Student Christian Movement of Canada (SCM) is a progressive student movement on university campuses engaged in faith and social justice.  Since 1921, students have led the SCM in exploring and challenging the Christian tradition and its meaning in society and culture. With members from all Christian denominations and places of spiritual seeking, SCM seeks to build communities where friendship, critical thinking and political action can flourish. The SCM strives to practice anti-oppression principles – queer affirming, anti-racist, and decolonizing – and to create an environment where all are welcomed and empowered.


PDF version of SCM U of T job posting

This position is to create and develop an SCM community centered on faith and justice on the University of Toronto – St. George campus. 


  • Passion for action on faith and social justice issues
  • Ability to articulate one’s Christian faith
  • Capacity to recruit and empower student leadership 
  • Skills and experience in communication, organization and event facilitation 
  • Current student status & familiarity with the university context
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively


  • Outreach, engagement, and relationship building with students on campus to build group membership
  • Network with other student groups on campus and supportive chaplains
  • Plan, promote, and organize regular programs/events for the SCM in collaboration with membership
  • Maintain student club registration and club records to support leadership transition
  • Promote the SCM through email and social media
  • Work with the SCM Advisory Board to create regular fundraising mailings
  • Collaborate with SCM Advisory Board to organize a yearly SCM alumni/supporter event
  • Collaborate with other SCM local coordinators (York U and Ryerson)  and the national SCM


This position is accountable to the U of T SCM Advisory Board, by the circulation of a written report on program activities prior to regular meetings with the board. 

Hours and remuneration

$20 per hour, 8 hours per week or $650 per month (including CPP and EI), August 1, 2021 – April 30, 2022

Do you have a friend you would like to do this work with? This position is open to a joint application for 2 students to share the one position.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Tuesday, June 15, 2021.  Please email a cover letter and resume to Jeanette Unger, Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. 


PDF version of SCM York job posting

This position is to create and develop an SCM community centered on faith and justice at York University – Keele campus. 


  • Passion for action on faith and social justice issues
  • Ability to articulate one’s Christian faith
  • Capacity to recruit and empower student leadership 
  • Skills and experience in communication, organization and event facilitation 
  • Current student status & familiarity with the university context
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively


  • Outreach, engagement, and relationship building with students on campus to build group membership
  • Network with other student groups on campus and supportive chaplains
  • Plan, promote, and organize regular programs/events for the SCM in collaboration with membership
  • Maintain student club registration and club records to support leadership transition
  • Promote the SCM through email and social media
  • Work with the SCM Advisory Board to create regular fundraising mailings
  • Collaborate with SCM Advisory Board to organize a yearly SCM alumni/supporter event
  • Collaborate with other SCM coordinators (U of T and Ryerson)  and the national SCM


This position is accountable to the York SCM Advisory Board, by the circulation of a written report on program activities prior to meeting with the board. 

Hours and remuneration

$20 per hour, 8 hours per week or $650 per month (including CPP and EI), August 1, 2021 – April 30, 2022

Do you have a friend you would like to do this work with? This position is open to a joint application for 2 students to share the one position.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Tuesday, June 15, 2021.  Please email a cover letter and resume to Jeanette Unger, Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. 

First Lutheran is hiring!

First Lutheran Church and the Student Christian Movement are looking for a Summer Intern with the title of “Program Coordinator/Community Service Worker”

Dates: Earliest possible start is May 10. Latest possible start is May 24. Flexible end date between Jul 9, 2021 (at full time basis) and up to Oct 15, 2021 (on a pro-rated negotiated basis to a maximum of 23 weeks.)
Hours: 35 per week or pro-rated as negotiated. Maximum total hours: 280
Remuneration: $14.25 per hour
Location: Toronto (or home office based in Ontario)

Job Description

First Lutheran Church and the Student Christian Movement collaborate to offer student outreach and campus ministry at Ryerson University in the form of contextual Bible Studies and other programs. First Lutheran is a historic congregation nestled in the heart of Ryerson campus. SCM at Ryerson University is a recognized student club of the Ryerson Student Union and one of three SCM units in the GTA.
The Summer Intern will be responsible for supporting the established SCM Ryerson program offerings in collaboration and cross-sponsorship with SCM GTA and SCM Canada. The Summer Intern will support the program life and public relations of First Lutheran Church which may include worship leadership and preaching, social media campaigns and promotion, and other duties as agreed upon.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Ryerson Student Christian Movement (SCM RU): to lead and support SCM RU, through social
    media and online programs with SCM GTA and SCM Canada, eg., online Radical Bible Study,
    movie nights, and the SCM GTA fall retreat.
  2. LGBTQ2SAI Faith-based programs: to support and deliver queer and trans positive events, eg, Queer Christian Fellowship, etc.
  3. First Lutheran social media: to animate First Lutheran social media accounts with suitable content, i.e., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, website.
  4. First Lutheran worship: to support, plan and participate in Sunday services including summer pastoral vacation replacement.
  5. First Lutheran “Little Food Pantry”: to coordinate stocking of this new food sustainability program.
  6. Administration: to perform other and related tasks as assigned.


  1. Graduate or mature undergraduate student with a passion for justice and community in
    theological perspective.
  2. Excellent interpersonal communication skills, including group facilitation.
  3. Self-motivated with the ability to take initiative and work from home.
  4. Adept social media skills.
  5. A team player with a positive outlook.

Key Competencies

  1. Enthusiasm and ability to promote and deliver faith-based study programs, eg. Contextual
    Bible study.
  2. Ability to sustain and build online student and young adult community in a time of pandemic
  3. Be able understand, organize and lead online programs in a Christian setting as part of a team
    of paid and volunteer leaders.
  4. Superior social media and communications skills.
  5. Excellent social intelligence and non-anxious, consensus-building workstyle.


  1. First Lutheran has received Canada Summer Jobs funding for this position.
  2. This position will be filled on a “tele-commuting” basis until such point as COVID19 restrictions
    are lifted and face-to-face gatherings are permitted.
  3. The position will require some evening and weekend work.

Terms of Employment
Accountability: The Summer Intern reports to the pastor of First Lutheran or his designate.
An acceptable criminal record check, including the level of clearance required to work with vulnerable
people will be required.

First Lutheran Church, Toronto is a small downtown congregation with a big heart. First welcomes all
regardless of age, race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation or creed.
The Ryerson Student Christian Movement is a local unit of the Student Christian Movement in
Canada, and a partner with First Lutheran in campus ministry.

To apply: please send letter of application and résumé to by May 14. Late
applications will be accepted, and applications will be considered until a suitable candidate has
accepted the position. All interviews will be conducted online.

Launching Spirits Rising Podcast!

A sneak peek from the first episode of Spirits Rising

As we continue to experiment with new ways to connect with our community online, SCM Toronto has launched our Spirits Rising podcast! Divy (SCM Ryerson coordinator) and Esther (SCM York & U of T coordinator) will be inviting SCM members and friends to join us in questioning everything we’ve been taught about faith, and exploring what it means to liberate our spiritual lives. Please check us out on Youtube,, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Or, find our episodes on the SCM website’s Spirits Rising podcast page.

SCM is hiring an Office Administrator

The Student Christian Movement of Canada (SCM) is seeking an Office Administrator to work in its Toronto office.

SCM is also hiring the General Secretary: link

Deadline for Applications: Feb 14, 2021 (applications received until position is filled)

Work location: Toronto, Ontario

Contract: 10hr/week, 1 year contract

Salary: $20/hr

How to Apply: Send your Cover Letter and CV to

In your letter, please indicate how you meet the qualifications, experience, and skills criteria, and the contribution you feel you can make toward the goals of SCM.


The successful applicant will offer administration and technical support to the work of the Student Christian Movement (SCM) Canada Office. They will be accountable to the General Secretary.

The SCM or Student Christian Movement is a progressive network engaged in social justice and faith. We are a non-dogmatic community of diverse belief systems where faith and radical political action flourish. We encourage applicants from a diversity of backgrounds such as race, language, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ability.

The position has flexible hours, and may include some weekend/evening work.


– Experience of professional office work.

– Comfortable working in a Christian organization

– Commitment to working in an anti-oppressive framework, including anti-racist, decolonizing, feminist, and LGBTQ.

– Experience with SCM’s work on a national or regional level, or a similar organization, is an asset.

– Experience with bookkeeping is a strong asset.


– Able to work independently and with guidance from the General Secretary

– Ability to take initiative and work without direction, when needed. Proven ability to meet deadlines and prioritize day-to-day activities

– Strong organizational skills and time management.

– Strong administrative computer skills, including database (customer relationship management), Google Suite, word processing, email, WordPress. 

– Strong interpersonal and communication skills, including via email, phone and video call, and text.

– Ability to communicate clearly and effectively in English

– Experience with programs like Mailchimp, Discord, Canva, Instagram and Facebook is an asset.


– Operate the SCM’s Canada Office, including managing mail, receiving and paying bills, and keeping financial records.

– Take phone calls and emails, communicating with SCM supporters, as well as other office users, General Secretary, Board members and volunteers.

– Supporting event planning by taking on specific tasks as assigned by the General Secretary

– Supporting occasional large-scale mailing campaigns

– Administering and updating the SCM contact database

– Maintaining a calendar for the SCM Board and General Secretary

– Supporting SCM Treasurer with financial records, including bookkeeping, banking, receipting donations, and communicating with donors.

– Work with and support volunteers/interns on tasks and projects.

– Available for occasional weekend and evening work, as arranged.

– Other duties as required.

2021 in the SCM

2021 was going to be a big year for SCM: it’s the 100th anniversary of SCM Canada and SCM’s U of T chapter. Back in 2019, we were already discussing an SCM 100 conference, celebrations, a special commemorative logo… and then the pandemic happened.

As we begin 2021 in a declared state of emergency, it may be that our experiences have much in common with those of SCMers 100 years ago. In 1921, students in Toronto had recently survived a world war and a global pandemic, and were living through a time of radical social change. New technologies were transforming society. Workers struggled for labour rights in a context of vast wealth disparity. Black and Indigenous communities fought for safety and dignity. And politically engaged young people sought to establish communities that incarnated justice, solidarity and love. In 2021, our membership has become more diverse in many ways, and Canadian society has advanced in terms of formal equality and human rights protections; yet we continue to engage in many of the same struggles for equity.

In this 100th year of SCM, may we learn from our history, and renew a vision of a society defined by justice, solidarity and love.

-Esther, SCM coordinator, U of T & York

Read about what the SCM is doing in Toronto here

Christmas Leftovers – Dec 29

Have you ever wondered ‘who are those weirdos, huddled in the stable when they could be feasting in the palace? And how can I join them?’ – if so, you’re going to love Cahoots Christmas Leftovers!

Join us online on Tuesday December 29 at 6:30pm Eastern time for prayers and music, games and reflection, and the particular mix of silliness and profundity that the SCM has developed over 99 years of Movement!

Registration is free, with the opportunity to donate to support Sanctuary Toronto – register at

Christmas Leftovers was created by the Cahoots Core Organizing Group, which puts on the SCM’s annual Cahoots festival of Faith, Justice, and DIY!

See for more information.

Vision 2020 Zine

Open Call for Submissions

What is the relevance and impact of Christianity in justice activism today? This is the central question explored by Vision 2020, a zine produced by the York University and University of Toronto local units of Student Christian Movement of Canada. The purpose of this zine is to take a critical and honest look at Christianity, from Christian and non-Christian perspectives, as well as to explore intersections of other faith traditions within a social and environmental justice lens.

The zine is currently in development of its debut issue, projected to be published in print and digital formats by the end of December, 2020. The zine will feature writing, art, and photography by the SCM’s York U and U of T organizers, as well as submissions gathered and curated from an ongoing open call. Anyone is invited to submit work regardless of location, faith, or academic background. Criticisms of Christianity, or one’s own faith tradition, are as welcome as celebrations, admonitions, or applications of faith in justice, comments on Scripture, prayers, lamentations, religious art, etc. The zine will make every attempt to take an intersectional approach to publication, based on Kimberlé Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality. We intend to promote a broad range of diverse views, experiences, and perspectives, and the editors will make this attempt as transparent and open to criticism as possible.

Each issue will focus on a central theme. The first issue will focus on the theme of “ecological grief”, although other themes can be explored as desired (examples: intersectional feminism, reproductive justice, decolonization and occupation, disability justice, whatever you are particularly interested in), and will be compiled for publication in later issues. Contributors are invited to reflect on, or research this theme and respond in whatever way they choose.

Submissions can be any format and medium:

  • Fiction (prose, poetry, lyrics, stream-of-consciousness, journaling, experimental writing, etc.)
  • Non-fiction (journalism, essays, reports, calls to action, letters, etc.)
  • Spiritual writings (lamentations, psalms, prophetic writing, philosophical thoughts or arguments, etc.)
  • Art (images of 3-dimensional works, any traditional media, or digital art)
  • Photography

Contributors do not have to be professionals in any given field, or established writers or artists. Stick figures and fan fiction are welcome, provided it relates to the general theme of faith applied to current issues (local, regional, or global).

Submission Guidelines:

Email all submissions to:
Include in the body of your email: your name (or pseudonym) and a 50-word description or yourself and/or your submission.
Include a mailing address for your copies if accepted for publication.

Written submissions

Length guide – 1000 words
Format: Submit writing as .odt, .doc, or .docx. If this is not possible, please include your written submission in the body of your email, but ensure to indicate the beginning and end of your submission with “[beginning of submission]” and “[end of submission]”

If your written submission requires specific formatting (such as for poetry or experimental writing), please inform us in your email, and submit your writing as a .pdf file in addition to the .odt, .doc, .docx, or email body text.
Alternatively, you can include a screenshot or photo of your writing.
If for any reason we cannot print your submission according to your specified formatting, we will follow up with you and confirm any changes necessary.

Image submissions (art and photography)

Maximum image size: 1000×1000 pixels and 300 dpi (dots per inch)
Format: Submit images as .pdf, .jpg, or .png
Images may not be printed in the same quality as you send them
Images may be resized or compressed based on printing needs
Nudity is acceptable as long as its purpose is artistic expression, and is not sexually explicit or violent in nature, and as long as the subjects are over the age of 18 and have provided consent (for photography or art of real models).
Any works featuring nudity must be declared with “contains nudity” in the Subject Line of your submission
Contributors agree to this nudity clause by submitting works for publication to this zine. The Student Christian Movement of Canada assumes any submitted nudity follows this guideline.


If your submission is accepted for publication, you will receive 5 printed copies of the issue in which your submission is published. Please include a mailing address with your submission.

We cannot accept all submissions. We will make an attempt to follow up with everyone who submits, but depending on volume we cannot guarantee a response of rejection. If you do not hear back from us within a month, you are invited to resubmit or submit new work. If resubmitting, please start your Subject Line with “Resubmission”. If on this second attempt we have chosen not to publish your work we will follow up and offer an explanation, as well as an invitation to submit new work.

For information on the Student Christian Movement’s official views, our mission, purpose, history, and current work, please explore Our Principles.