Your Faith on Feminism: Summary & Exhortation

Your Faith on Feminism has brought together 35 people from countries including Canada, the US, India, and Mexico. We are Christians, Muslims, Jews, and followers of other spiritual traditions. We are women, non-binary people, and men. We are children, young people, parents, mentors, and elders.

We came to create a covenanted space – a safer space, and a brave space to explore the intersections of feminism, faith and justice. We acknowledge the traditions we bring with us – faith traditions, cultural traditions, healing traditions. We acknowledge the Indigenous traditions tied to this land.

In this space we have shared and documented our stories to empower ourselves and others. We have worked to own our stories and become comfortable with them, so that we can support others to tell their stories. We have listened to others’ truths and demystified stories different than our own. We have worked to decolonize ourselves by bringing to light the legacies we carry with us. We have explored art as a universal language of healing and solidarity. We have celebrated our cultural, artistic, and faith traditions.

We have spoken our own truths, knowing that we can only speak for ourselves. We have renewed our commitments to a continuous process of questioning, investigation, and reflection. We have worked to undermine ‘othering.’ We have honored the stories of those who have come before us, and those who will come after.

Interfaith Worship: Your Faith On Feminism


  • We are about to go home to different places, where we have different communities and commitments.
  • We will carry with us the stories we have told and heard, and share with others what we have learned from each other.
  • We will stand in solidarity with the people of our communities, and others across the world.
  • We will hold space for diverse feminist practices of advocacy, community, creativity and healing.
  • We will add our voices to the important conversations in our communities.
  • We will take time to situate ourselves, to discern and deepen our commitments.
  • We will be critical and inclusive.
  • We will be strong and vulnerable.
  • We will honour and challenge traditions.
  • We will sing, dance, write, protest, and nurture.
  • We will heal. We will love. We will walk with others who love us.

Generated by the community of the 2017 10 WSCF North America conference in Edmonton, Alberta. Your Faith on Feminism: Intersectional Feminist Theology responds to the Climate of Fear