
SCM is hiring a new National Coordinator 

The Student Christian Movement of Canada (SCM) is now searching for a new staff person to serve as the National Coordinator for a one year contract with the intention of extension. This is anticipated to be a full-time position; however, a part-time position may be considered, depending on candidate skills and availability.

Deadline for Applications: March 21, 2024 (applications received until position is filled)

Start Date: Target Start Date: early to mid-May 2024 (it is desired that the successful candidate will attend the Cahoots festival in person (May 23-26, 2024) in southern Ontario)

Work location: SCM National Office is in Toronto; remote work possible, open to applications from anywhere in Canada

Contract: 40 hr/week, 1 year contract, with intention of renewal, subject to performance

Salary: Living wage on an hourly basis based on location (Toronto $25.05/hour – to be confirmed based on rate at time of hiring)

>>> About the Position (download pdf) <<<

What is most important to us is to find someone who will bring their passion and energy to encourage, support and facilitate the growth of the movement; responsibly manage the organization; work well with others in building relationships; sustainably give of their time and energy to be a force for change in this world; to bring hope and purpose to students, especially to those who may feel rejected and disenfranchised; to work to enrich and change lives, as the SCM has done for the past 100 years in Canada and around the world. You can be that person and we will support you! If this sounds like you, please apply today. We look forward to hearing from you!

How to Apply: Send your Cover Letter and resume to hiring@scmcanada.org

In your letter, please indicate how you meet the qualifications, experience, and skills criteria, and the contribution you feel you can make toward the goals of SCM. Also, please indicate if you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.

Queer[y]ing Scripture is My Lifeline

By: Victoria Featherston

Earth Awakens at Stiles Cove

Deborah Huntsinger describes a “lifeline” as “a line (such as a rope) used for saving or preserving life: such as a line along the outer edge of the deck of a boat or ship.” In thinking about my queer identity in relation to my call to ordained ministry and what it means to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with” the Divine, I have come to realize that one way to queer or queer-y Scripture is in reclaiming the stories and songs that were ours all along. 

The photograph I have attached is entitled “Earth Awakens at Stiles Cove,” taken in St, John’s, Newfoundland. It harkens to the idea of simultaneously dying and being reborn, regardless of our ever-changing context. It also speaks to the rebirth of possibilities, of new creation and being mindful of new ways of being in relation to one’s neighbours. As I was taking this photo, I was struck at how the jagged edges of the ice hanging over the cliffs were slowly melting away, allowing for the cliff to simply be in the changing season.

In a similar vein, when I think about my own relationship with Scripture over the course of my life, it is complex. At times, it has been quite rocky, as in the image where harmful interpretat’ions have cemented beliefs about my identity which made me feel less than. It has also been about the dying of my former self, my closeted self which prevented me from being authentic in my relationship with God and with others and becoming new again, as the ice in the image melting away and drifting back into the sea. Paul in his letter to the Romans states that one’s life of discipleship with Christ is interwoven through baptism: when one is baptized in Jesus’ name, they are also baptized into Jesus’ death on the cross. This same dying and being brought back to life in right relationship with the Divine is a bit like coming out and coming in to oneself, to be authentically queer and set free.

Queer[y]ing scripture is my lifeline in that I am always looking for what the Divine is doing in the text, what ways has Scripture been used or has the potential to harm my neighbours; and asking myself in what ways have I been complicit and what harmful concepts do I myself need to unlearn. What is the Divine calling me to do to better love the broken pieces of myself and my neighbour and to discover what work still needs to be done within myself? The shifting in the season and the melting of the ice leaves room for possibility and for new voices to emerge as the old, dead, crystallized water melts away and becomes fluid.

As I reflected while standing on the icy, slippery rock beneath my feet as I took the photograph, queer[y]ing scripture has at times been uncertain and shaky. However, I am driven by both calling the things (in this case, harmful interpretations and naming them as such) for what they are and meeting the Divine in the broken places and spaces. In the Lutheran faith, this is known as the “theology of the cross.” That slippery ground is sacred ground because it is a lot like one’s life in faith: uncertain, at times terrifying but also filled with the possibility and hope of continuously becoming new alongside others. In my own experience of coming out, the ground was definitely shaky. I questioned whether I would be accepted in my authentic self. 

As the water dripped and flowed down to my feet, I found a quiet comfort in simultaneously dying and being revived through baptism and the ethical responsibility of queer[y]ing scripture as a result. When worship spaces and places are not welcoming to my friends and my community, it is important for me to create disruptive spaces for their stories to be heard as there is no asterisk or exception in one’s baptism. The walls around me like the ice beneath my feet on that winter’s day may shake, the wind that pressed against my back like the prevalence of harmful attitudes may roar, but the foundation that has kept me grounded even when I was lamenting the presence of the Divine, that foundation is unshakable.

Victoria Featherston is the Intern Pastor at First Evangelical Lutheran Church. Victoria has used her passion for social justice in their prison ministry while volunteering at the John Howard Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. Victoria enjoys spending her spare time reading, knitting, hiking, nature photography and singing. 

We’re hiring Student Coordinators for the 2022/23 Academic Year

Are you going to be a student at a post-secondary institution in the upcoming academic year? Would you like to see an SCM chapter on your campus? Read on to find out if the Student Coordinator position is right for you.

Job Description

This year, SCM Canada will be hiring 2 Student Coordinators to cultivate and empower student communities on their campus, in a virtual, in-person, or hybrid model.

Student Coordinators must have student status at a Canadian post-secondary institution.

The goal of the campus coordinator is to mobilize a group of 5-10 core students who are organizing as a faith-based, social justice oriented community. The goal of this community is to enrich lives spiritually, while making real world impact through social justice organizing on relevant issues such as Indigenous sovereignty, climate justice, migrant rights, 2SLGBTQIA+ issues, etc.

The Student Coordinator will run weekly, or bi-weekly meetings with the community that may take any shape. The SCM will provide the materials necessary to run this club, including a Contextual Bible Study program and other devotional resources.

With the support of the National office, and mentoring by the General Secretary, Student Coordinators will have the opportunities to network with other young leaders, and hone their own leadership skills within a 100 year old organization that is constantly transforming, and at the heart remains the same. That is, to be a prophetic voice for justice in our world.


1. One of the primary objectives of the Student Coordinator is outreach. Through postering, social media, tabling, emailing, and whatever way the Student Coordinator sees fit for their campus, the Coordinator will do outreach to have participants engage in Student Coordinator run programming. Outreach will also be important in acquiring more dedicated members who will help be core organizers of this chapter.

2. The Student Coordinator will facilitate programming that can be independently created under the supervision of the General Secretary, or created in collaboration with the General Secretary depending on the needs of the Student Coordinator.

3. For student communities that grow at a faster rate, fundraising will become a cornerstone skill for chapters to participate in. If the chapter wishes to take on fundraising initiatives which have been done in the past as part of their faith in action, the General Secretary will provide support where necessary. For example, in the past a local chapter organized a fundraiser for environmental disaster recovery in the Philippines in partnership with SCM Philippines.

4. Networking and collaborating with other clubs on campus will be helpful in building the local movement. Providing SCM support to other social justice oriented clubs on campus, and working with an interfaith framework will not only help build our local units, but will help elevate social justice issues as a whole.

5. Having meetings with the General Secretary regularly to give chapter updates, receive guidance, and get national updates will be more essential in the beginning of the school year. As the school year moves on, depending on the needs of the Student Coordinator, meetings with the General Secretary may become less frequent.

6. Give a report back at the end of each semester about your experiences, challenges, and insights as an SCM Student Coordinator.

This position is accountable to the General Secretary.

Hours and Remuneration

The position is paid at $20 / hour for 10 hours per week.

The position is in line with the school year, from September 2022 to April 2023, with a holiday break in between. The total duration of the position is 28 weeks, at 14 weeks per semester.

Application Deadline:

Please submit a resume and cover letter, indicating something in the position posting that motivates you to apply, as well as your current student involvement, to divy@scmcanada.org by August 27th 2022.

Job Posting: York University Coordinator

The Student Christian Movement of Canada (SCM) is a progressive student movement on university campuses engaged in faith and social justice. Since 1921, students have led the SCM in exploring and challenging the Christian tradition and its meaning in society and culture. With members from all Christian denominations and places of spiritual seeking, SCM seeks to build communities where friendship, critical thinking and political action can flourish. The SCM strives to practice anti-oppression principles – queer affirming, anti-racist, and decolonizing – and to create an environment where all are welcomed and empowered.

This position is to create and develop an SCM community centered on faith and justice at York University – Keele campus.

Passion for action on faith and social justice issues
Ability to articulate one’s faith and spirituality
Adept knowledge of Christian theology, and confidence leading ecumenical conversations
Capacity to recruit and empower student leadership
Skills and experience in communication, organization and event facilitation
Current student status & familiarity with the university context
Ability to work independently and collaboratively

Outreach, engagement, and relationship building with students on campus to build group membership
Network with other student groups on campus and supportive chaplains
Plan, promote, and organize regular programs/events for the SCM in collaboration with membership
Maintain student club registration and club records to support leadership transition
Promote the SCM through email and social media
Work with the SCM Advisory Board to create regular fundraising mailings
Collaborate with SCM Advisory Board to organize a yearly SCM alumni/supporter event
Collaborate with other SCM coordinators (U of T and Ryerson) and the national SCM

This position is accountable to the York SCM Advisory Board, by the circulation of a written report on program activities prior to meeting with the board.

Hours and remuneration:
$20 per hour, up to 8 hours per week, from August 15, 2022 to April 30, 2023

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications will be accepted until July 27, 2022. Please email a cover letter and resume to yorkboard@scmcanada.org. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Hiring a Queen’s University/Kingston Coordinator, and UBC/Vancouver Cooridnator!

As the SCM looks to expand this coming school year, there’s a desire to create an SCM chapter in Vancouver. This chapter will need a student coordinator from University of British Columbia that will be focused on growing membership and running events during the Winter semester. If you’re interested, read on!

Job Description

Thank you for your interest in this position with the SCM! The Student Christian Movement of Canada is a progressive student movement on university campuses engaged in faith and social justice.  Since 1921, students have led the SCM in exploring and challenging the Christian tradition and its meaning in society and culture. With members from all Christian denominations and places of spiritual seeking, SCM seeks to build communities where friendship, critical thinking and political action can flourish. The SCM strives to practice anti-oppression principles – queer affirming, anti-racist, and decolonizing – and to create an environment where all are welcomed and empowered.

This position is to create and develop an SCM community centered on faith and justice at UBC and VST.


  • Passion for action on faith and social justice issues
  • Ability to articulate one’s Christian faith
  • Capacity to recruit and empower student leadership 
  • Skills and experience in communication, organization and event facilitation 
  • Current student status & familiarity with the university context
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively


  • Outreach, engagement, and relationship building with students on campus to build group membership
  • Network with other relevant student groups on campus and supportive chaplains for collaboration and mutual support
  • Plan, promote, and organize regular programs/events for the SCM in collaboration with membership
  • Maintain student club registration and club records to support leadership transition
  • Promote the SCM through email and social media
  • Meet regularly and as much as needed with the General Secretary to check in on activities and for guidance and support
  • Promote SCM National programs
  • Help SCM with fundraising initiatives to keep our clubs running


This position is accountable to the SCM Canada General Secretary who is stationed in Toronto. The position is mostly self-led, and community directed by those interested in the club at Queen’s, and UBC/VST. However, the General Secretary will be available for online meetings whenever necessary, and bi-weekly check-ins.

Hours and remuneration

An honorarium of $250/month will be given. The position will be offered from January 2021 – April 2022. It is expected that the Coordinator will be giving approximately 4-5 hours/week of their time to this position.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 30th, 2021.  Please email a cover letter and resume to Divy Sallentes Uptegrove at divy@scmcanada.org. 

What is COACAB: A response as young people navigate Truth and Reconciliation

Today is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Across the country, as young people grow out of the blanket that covered our eyes from Canada’s traumatic past and present, there’s a wrestling with the idea of how we can help. What do we do? What power do we have? And how do we solve these issues without asking Indigenous people to take on the emotional work of holding our hand and guiding us through it, when they have their own healing work to do? The paradigm shifts we each take on as we move through our healing work isn’t unique to an individual.

One of the things to come into creation as a result of the news about residential schools and the increasing numbers of children found is dialogue. The Coalition of Catholics for the Betterment of Indigenous Peoples, or COACAB, is one of the groups to have emerged that are focused on taking on these discussions. The coalition has been focusing on doing community check ins and community organizing to try and understand how lay people and youth can work together to uplift and support Indigenous communities.

The first act of the coalition was to write an open letter to the Catholic Church, which you can read below. The goal of the letter was to call in the non-Indigenous Catholic community in a way that acknowledges the wrongs of the Catholic Church, at a time where no formal apology was being issued. There has finally been an apology from the Canadian Catholic bishops regarding the ongoing abuses caused by the the Catholic Church in residential schools, but this is only the start.

So much more to be done. COACAB continues to have frequent discussions and community check ins as we hold each other accountable and in love so that they can work on the inner decolonization work that needs to take place, as well as the organizational work that needs to be done in order to ensure systemic change.

As COACAB continues to understand their goals as a coalition, there is a desire to make this letter known globally. Not only does COACAB want Canadian Catholic bishops to acknowledge the wrongs, but the Pope as well. The coalition also wants to encourage churches and faith organizations to implement programming to remain accountable and to continue learning about Indigenous issues.

SCM supports this work and will continue to participate in these types of conversations. We hope that everyone is able to hold themselves and each other during this time of reflection and pain.

SCM of Canada is Looking for a Board Treasurer

The Organization:
The Student Christian Movement (SCM) of Canada is a 100-year-old, youth-led, grassroots network, with a passion for social justice, community in diversity, and radical faith in action. As a radical ecumenical movement, we welcome all at our table – regardless of belief, sexual orientation, faith tradition, or age. Together, we take action for social justice, engage in progressive spiritual and faith activism, and seek to foster community in diversity. We work to be a prophetic voice for justice in our world.

Deadline for Applications:
30 November 2021

Work Location:
Anywhere in Canada! While the SCM of Canada office is located in Toronto, ON, we operate across Canada and meetings are held remotely via Zoom. 

Board members are asked to sign on for a renewable, 2-year term. The Treasurer is expected to provide approximately 5 hours of service per month.
Please note that board members are volunteers and do not receive a salary or monetary compensation for their services. 

How to Apply:
Please send your cover letter, CV, and two references to info@scmcanada.org.


  1. Oversee the financial matters of the charity
    1. Work with the Office Administrator and review/present financial statements on a monthly basis and oversee bookkeeping.
      Note: The Office Administrator is currently providing bookkeeping services. Prior to April 2021, bookkeeping services were provided by Great Bear Bookkeeping (who remain available to answer questions and provide assistance). 
    2. Assist/Oversee the development and presentation of the organization’s annual budget.
    3. Ensure proper financial record-keeping, process, and procedure is being maintained, including assisting/overseeing the development and implementation of financial, reserves, and investment policies.
    4. Verify donations are being handled appropriately and that grants and other contracts are accounted for in accordance with the requirements of funders.
    5. Act as a counter-signatory on, or provide approval for, charity cheques and applications for funds – location dependent. This may include providing advice and insight on purchasing decisions.
  2. Oversee and ensure CRA compliance
    1. Ensure accurate and timely filing of the organization’s T3010, payroll remittances, and other government filings.
    2. Ensure all required financial records are available to support CRA reporting expectations and ensure that the organization is kept in good financial standing with the CRA.
    3. Be aware of CRA policies/regulatory requirements with respect to financial compliance and be able to navigate any areas of confusion over financial issues related to CRA expectations and requirements.
  3. Board and committee leadership
    1. Attend and engage in all board meetings, including annual AGM.
      Note: There are approximately 5 meetings a year and they usually occur on weekday evenings and last 1-2 hours. 
    2. Liaise with the General Secretary and Office Administrator, as necessary to provide adequate oversight of Treasurer duties.
    3. Assist with strategic planning in regard to the organization’s financial viability, sustainability, and risk management. 


  1. Commitment to the organization’s mission and strategic directions, including our commitment to an anti-oppressive framework.
  2. An understanding of, and experience with, good financial management and reporting practices.

For more information on SCM of Canada, please take a look at our website: www.scmcanada.org

We’re hiring a Calgary Coordinator!

As the SCM looks to expand this coming school year, there’s a desire to create an SCM chapter in Calgary. This chapter will need a student coordinator from University of Calgary that will be focused on growing membership and running events during the Winter semester. If you’re interested, read on!

Job Description

Thank you for your interest in this position with the SCM! The Student Christian Movement of Canada is a progressive student movement on university campuses engaged in faith and social justice.  Since 1921, students have led the SCM in exploring and challenging the Christian tradition and its meaning in society and culture. With members from all Christian denominations and places of spiritual seeking, SCM seeks to build communities where friendship, critical thinking and political action can flourish. The SCM strives to practice anti-oppression principles – queer affirming, anti-racist, and decolonizing – and to create an environment where all are welcomed and empowered.

This position is to create and develop an SCM community centered on faith and justice in Calgary.


  • Passion for action on faith and social justice issues
  • Ability to articulate one’s Christian faith
  • Capacity to recruit and empower student leadership 
  • Skills and experience in communication, organization and event facilitation 
  • Current student status & familiarity with the university context
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively


  • Outreach, engagement, and relationship building with students on campus to build group membership
  • Network with other relevant student groups on campus and supportive chaplains for collaboration and mutual support
  • Plan, promote, and organize regular programs/events for the SCM in collaboration with membership
  • Maintain student club registration and club records to support leadership transition
  • Promote the SCM through email and social media
  • Meet regularly and as much as needed with the General Secretary to check in on activities and for guidance and support
  • Promote SCM National programs
  • Help SCM with fundraising initiatives to keep our clubs running


This position is accountable to the SCM Canada General Secretary who is stationed in Toronto. The position is mostly self-led, and community directed by those interested in the club at UBC/VST. However, the General Secretary will be available for online meetings whenever necessary, and bi-weekly check-ins.

Hours and remuneration

An honorarium of $250/month will be given. The position will be offered from January 2021 – April 2022. It is expected that the Coordinator will be giving approximately 4-5 hours/week of their time to this position.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Thursday, Nov 25, 2021.  Please email a cover letter and resume to Divy Sallentes Uptegrove at divy@scmcanada.org. 

We’re Hiring a Vancouver Coordinator!

As the SCM looks to expand this coming school year, there’s a desire to create an SCM chapter in Vancouver. This chapter will need a student coordinator from University of British Columbia that will be focused on growing membership and running events during the Winter semester. If you’re interested, read on!

Job Description

Thank you for your interest in this position with the SCM! The Student Christian Movement of Canada is a progressive student movement on university campuses engaged in faith and social justice.  Since 1921, students have led the SCM in exploring and challenging the Christian tradition and its meaning in society and culture. With members from all Christian denominations and places of spiritual seeking, SCM seeks to build communities where friendship, critical thinking and political action can flourish. The SCM strives to practice anti-oppression principles – queer affirming, anti-racist, and decolonizing – and to create an environment where all are welcomed and empowered.

This position is to create and develop an SCM community centered on faith and justice at UBC and VST.


  • Passion for action on faith and social justice issues
  • Ability to articulate one’s Christian faith
  • Capacity to recruit and empower student leadership 
  • Skills and experience in communication, organization and event facilitation 
  • Current student status & familiarity with the university context
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively


  • Outreach, engagement, and relationship building with students on campus to build group membership
  • Network with other relevant student groups on campus and supportive chaplains for collaboration and mutual support
  • Plan, promote, and organize regular programs/events for the SCM in collaboration with membership
  • Maintain student club registration and club records to support leadership transition
  • Promote the SCM through email and social media
  • Meet regularly and as much as needed with the General Secretary to check in on activities and for guidance and support
  • Promote SCM National programs
  • Help SCM with fundraising initiatives to keep our clubs running


This position is accountable to the SCM Canada General Secretary who is stationed in Toronto. The position is mostly self-led, and community directed by those interested in the club at UBC/VST. However, the General Secretary will be available for online meetings whenever necessary, and bi-weekly check-ins.

Hours and remuneration

An honorarium of $250/month will be given. The position will be offered from January 2021 – April 2022. It is expected that the Coordinator will be giving approximately 4-5 hours/week of their time to this position.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Thursday, Nov 15, 2021.  Please email a cover letter and resume to Divy Sallentes Uptegrove at divy@scmcanada.org. 


The Student Christian Movement of Canada (SCM) is a progressive student movement on university campuses engaged in faith and social justice.  Since 1921, students have led the SCM in exploring and challenging the Christian tradition and its meaning in society and culture. With members from all Christian denominations and places of spiritual seeking, SCM seeks to build communities where friendship, critical thinking and political action can flourish. The SCM strives to practice anti-oppression principles – queer affirming, anti-racist, and decolonizing – and to create an environment where all are welcomed and empowered.

This position is to create and develop an SCM community centered on faith and justice at York University – Keele campus. 


  • Passion for action on faith and social justice issues
  • Ability to articulate one’s Christian faith
  • Capacity to recruit and empower student leadership 
  • Skills and experience in communication, organization and event facilitation 
  • Current student status & familiarity with the university context
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively


  • Outreach, engagement, and relationship building with students on campus to build group membership
  • Network with other student groups on campus and supportive chaplains
  • Plan, promote, and organize regular programs/events for the SCM in collaboration with membership
  • Maintain student club registration and club records to support leadership transition
  • Promote the SCM through email and social media
  • Work with the SCM Advisory Board to create regular fundraising mailings
  • Collaborate with SCM Advisory Board to organize a yearly SCM alumni/supporter event
  • Collaborate with other SCM coordinators (U of T and Ryerson)  and the national SCM


This position is accountable to the York SCM Advisory Board, by the circulation of a written report on program activities prior to meeting with the board. 

Hours and remuneration

$20 per hour, up to 8 hours per week (including CPP and EI), October 15, 2021 – April 30, 2022

Do you have a friend you would like to do this work with? This position is open to a joint application for 2 students to share the one position.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Thursday, Sept 30, 2021.  Please email a cover letter and resume to Jeanette Unger, scmintoronto@gmail.com. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.