What’s the point of going to a festival that your friends can’t afford?

We believe that a ticket structure with a variety of options is a matter of justice. Some folks need to miss shifts to attend, some are sharing a skill that they’d usually earn wages with, and Cahoots participants who navigate systemic barriers every day have enough on their plate.

Every year the Cahoots Festival Planning Team budgets for ‘Special Rate tickets’, meant to support the participation of people with fixed incomes, who are single parents, or otherwise need support to attend. This is in concert with our intention to make ticket prices as low as possible, since most of our community are people without much access to resources (This isn’t the Fyre Festival!)

Currently, our ticket prices (from April 2 until the end of sales on May 15)
Festival pass – Adult $150, Child $90, Family $450
Day ticket – Adult $80, Child $50
This includes all meals, accomodations, workshops and sessions, as well as support to get to the festival – carpooling or pickup from the bus.
These fees cover the basic costs, and are very reasonable considering the festival’s scope.

I don’t know what this has to do with anything, I just love this picture – Peter

Our model works because all participants buy tickets. This includes all of the core organizers and workshop facilitators (unless an individual is attending only to do a workshop, and not to participate in the festival). We are all participants – and we are also all volunteers, and all organizers! We believe that everyone helps create the festival by being present, assisting one another, caring for children and taking the ever-popular kitchen shift.

We are deeply grateful to those who add a donation onto their ticket purchase! This act helps make our festival more accessible and more just. These donations are tax-receipted. You can make a donation earmarked to the festival directly through SCM Canada.

All participants, including workshop leaders participating in the festival, people on OSAP/ODSP/EI, families, singles, elders, people targeted by racism, colonialism, sexism – well – ALL PARTICIPANTS are welcomed to receive a ‘Discounted Ticket’. It’s a matter of justice.

Contact cahoots@scmcanada.org to apply.

Once you’ve submitted your details, you can register using this form.