The right to live without harassment

The right to live without harassment- Short Hills 2017

picture shows a banner reading 'not shame but pride' hanging on an orange snow fence outside the park, with a police vehicle visible on the other side of the fence
One of the banners at the entrance of the Short Hills park shows the rejection of shame by local Haudenosaunee people who have endured accusations and obstructions for years as they seek to practice their way of life.

by Manchari Paranthahan, SCM Brock

Every year, a 6-day deer harvest at the Short Hills Provincial Park honours Haudenosaunee Treaty and Land rights. The Haudenosaunee people have exercised their legal right to hunt, but several members of local animal rights groups have actively protested against the hunt in violent ways, from barricading entrances to the park to carrying signs with white supremacist and racist messages on them to oppose the hunt. These anti-hunt protesters have been able to organize a vehicle stall with the Ontario Provincial Police and the Niagara Regional Police Department to create an additional obstacle to the access to the park. Unfortunately, the anti-hunt protesters continuously seem to find new ways to ignorantly perform microaggressions against a vulnerable community in the Niagara region. Since 2013 the Short Hills has hosted the Haudenosaunee Right to Hunt Reconciliation events and activities in response.

The first Short Hills activity I attended this year was the ‘Sweet Blood’ documentary screening held at Brock University. This documentary focused on the high number of Cree community members who suffer from diabetes as a result of a colonized diet. The documentary emphasizes the importance of Indigenous people needing to eat and gather food in traditional ways not only to upkeep tradition but also for their health. During this screening I was told by one of the organizers of the hunt that the documentary left out testimonies from a few Cree men who had mentioned that returning to their old ways of hunting and eating actually cured them of their diabetes. They were left out because of funding through a government grant that didn’t want these testimonies in the final product, to prevent controversies with pharmaceutical companies creating medical treatments for people who have diabetes. “It’s like another form of colonization,” said the organizer, describing both the ways that a colonial diet has affected the health of Cree people and how they were being policed through what information made the final cut of the documentary.

Trailer of SWEET BLOOD – The Cree Living Well With Diabetes from Whirlygig Productions on Vimeo.

The Niagara Anti-Racism Coalition also did a workshop for supporters of the hunt on challenging white supremacy in the Niagara Region. The workshop involved having members of the community share their stories and experiences with white supremacy in the region. These stories were then printed out and brought to the harvest. The supporters at the harvest were asked to read out one of the experiences or share their own and then take a rock from a bowl that was placed next to the fire. This was to represent how every time an act of greed or fear caused by white supremacy impacts any one of us, we take away from the bettering of society and the love we have to give to each other. This simple act emphasized how we are all affected negatively by oppression and silencing.

After we all went around the circle, we were asked to then share a way that we can help change and challenge white supremacist actions and then put the rock we took back in the bowl. This was to represent the ways we can all contribute to a better society and community. This workshop was a powerful one as I got to see how different members of the same community that identified in different ways were able to put aside the things that made us different and instead focus on how we can all help each other. It was a creative way of acknowledging the responsibility we have in creating a better society whether we are the oppressor or the oppressed – a crucial point to acknowledge in contemporary social justice politics. This workshop allowed space for everyone and allowed them to say what they believed to be true in regards to the Short Hills hunt as well as white supremacy in general, making for a safe and brave space.

A local Haudenosaunee woman speaks with reporters trying to understand the complexities of the situation at the entrance to the park

This was my second year at the counter protest and I have seen firsthand the dedication and hard work that goes into organizing the reconciliation activities. The organizers and supporters of the hunt do everything possible to get as many voices heard and represented during the reconciliation activities. This year, a representative from the Brock Students for Animal Liberation was able to talk about white privilege, animal rights and how that affects their stance on the issue and why they still support the hunt. The two-fold understanding of the issue, something that strips a community of their traditional practice and is also responded to with violently racist language, is something that seems to be happening more and more within the community.

Throughout all of this I found the workshop done by the Christian Peacemaker Teams about de-escalation tactics to be extremely helpful in dealing with the complexities. I was able to go to three of the harvest days and witnessed the multiple ways the protesters would oppose the hunt. Through barricading the entrances, to drowning out the music of the drummers, to overpowering the supporters with their shouts and by flashing lights and taking pictures of the hunters, it is clear how much of this issue has stemmed from systemic racism. The freedom with which the anti-hunt protesters can express violent messages, create an environment with additional obstacles and stay firm in their problematic beliefs can only be a result of socially ingrained racism against Indigenous communities.

During the workshop on de-escalation, we talked about how humour and distraction can be key strategies to prevent derailing. As a student activist, this information was useful because of the way student activism gets criticized for being inaccessible because of the elite nature of institutions. In my experience, more often than not student activism gets met with ignorance or intentional derailing tactics. Learning the different ways that we can acknowledge our own triggers and then use humour and distraction as a way of combating negative behaviour emphasized the importance of doing this work in institutions as well as doing on-the-ground frontline activism work – there will always be resistance no matter how it’s done, but it will always be worth it.

Image shows a large Christian Peacemaker Teams banner reading Honour the Treaties! in red letters on white background, attached to the orange snow fence. Behind the fence is the large Ontario Parks sign for Short Hills with a detailed account of the reason for the park closure, citing inherent Indigenous rights.
The police presence and the clear signage at the entrance to the park were just the most obvious of the safety preparations for the 6 days the park is closed to the public for the deer harvest.

Throughout this conversation we also ended up talking a lot about intersectionality; the ways our different identities intersect with one another and how they affect experiences of privilege and oppression. It is important to see how this issue is intersectional , as the Haudenosaunee community ends up dealing with a lot of racist oppression as well as oppression through their cultural practices, something that the animal rights activists on the other side of the Short Hills entrance seem to glaze over. The intersectional nature of the protests, the “animal rights vs. treaty rights” conversation, also creates a tense atmosphere. Intersectionality is a tricky thing, one that can pit activists against each other.

In contemporary society, when we talk feminism we have to acknowledge the micropolitics that have often been overlooked throughout history. When we fail to recognize the communities that we have missed so far in mainstream feminism movements, we are contributing to harmful structures that white supremacists have put in place. As Audre Lorde puts it, “There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” Intersectionality here, and in most social issues is something that is often discussed but rarely put into practice when it comes to our activism – why is that?

The Short Hills accompaniments have always stressed the importance of education, love and acceptance in our teachings. Everyday at the harvest I found myself asking why anti-hunt animal rights activists were pushing so hard to keep the Haudenasaunee hunters out of the park when some of the hunt’s supporters are vegan animal rights activists themselves. Wasn’t the damage that has been done to Indigenous peoples throughout history already clear? Doesn’t it make sense to take a minute to hear the other side? Why are microaggressions still being overlooked and not viewed as just as harmful and damaging as blatantly forms of racism? These questions still remain and have provided a realization that these issues aren’t getting worse or resurfacing – it is just our turn dealing with them.

The closing ceremony for the Short Hills Reconciliation Events and Activities was celebrated with a lovely feast on the last harvest day, a panel discussion and another screening of ‘Sweet Blood’. The past five years has seen growing support for the counter protestors and the Haudenosaunee people. There have been more collaborations with local groups for workshops and activities available for the supporters at the reconciliation events. The growing support for the hunters over the years has created more room for conversations, change and acceptance. Moving forward, through educating and being open to reconciliation, hopefully the Haudenosaunee Right to Hunt continues to get more support than resistance.

Manchari Paranthahan is a Communications, Women and Gender Studies and Theatre student at Brock University. They are involved in various activist movements at the University and in the Niagara Region, including the Brock SCM and the Brock Student Justice Centre. As the current Program Director of the Brock Faith and Life Centre, Manchari and SCM Coordinator Emilie Philips are dedicated to bringing social justice work and activism into their faith work.

Mary did you know? – Rewrite!

The very popular song ‘Mary Did you Know‘ has appropriately prompted a slew of sarcastic memes in recent years pointing out that yes, she did know, she sang a whole song about what was heralded by the Annunciation.

Now we are delighted to share this reworked version written by Jennifer Henry, ED of KAIROS Canada.

Mary did you know,
that your ancient words
would still leap off our pages?
Mary did you know,
that your spirit song
would echo through the ages?

Did you know that your holy cry
would be subversive word,
that the tyrants would be trembling
when they know your truth is heard?

Read the rest here:

And here is a selection of our favourite salty memes:

A Peace Liturgy for Advent 2

If you are looking for a way to bring poetry, song and story together this coming second Sunday of Advent, consider this resource, created by the crafty peacemaker-prophets of Partera Peacebuilders International.

Includes Call to Worship, hymns, a poetic reflection on the Bible texts, prayers, and a sending/blessing.

Partera Advent 2 Peace Liturgy 2017

Partera International is a faithbased peace-building organization that conducts conflict transformation education and training in various places around the world as well as at home. We are based in Canada with a binational Board of Directors.

Partera is Spanish for “midwife” and speaks of our hope to aid the birth of peace among and alongside all life on Earth.

We share this brief liturgical resource for worship and/or small group use as an expression of our longing to see God’s peaceable will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, given life by midwives of peace and disciples of the One who was God’s Peace-Made-Flesh.

It is intended for use on the second Sunday of Advent, traditionally understood as Peace Sunday, Dec. 10th, 2017

Job Postings! Dec ’17

There are a few job postings that would be great for an SCMer!

  1. KAIROS Blanket Exercise Regional Coordinator – Saskatchewan – posting here
    Halftime, deadline Dec 11, 2017
  2. KAIROS Blanket Exercise Regional Coordinator – Manitoba/North Western Ontario – posting here
    Halftime position, deadline Dec 8, 2017
  3. Jesuit Volunteers Canada Outreach Animator & Recruiter – posting here
    Halftime position, deadline Dec 10, 2017
  4. Christian Peacemaker Teams Development Coordinator – posting here
    Fulltime, deadline Jan 5, 2018

If you have information about a posting that would appeal to folks connected with the SCM, let us know!

Study Group Resource – Flipping Tables

2017 10 30 – The Cleansing of the Temple

Prepared by members of Student Christian Movement at York University
Download this, and other resources, from our Resource Page

John 2: 13-17 (New International Version)

13 When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. 15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16 To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!” 17 His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.” (Psalms 69:6)

Some Context

The Temple and Passover

The Temple during Herod’s time was divided into four different sections: The outer/gentile court, the inner/Israel Court, the Priest Court, and the Holy of Holies. Only in the outer courts were merchants and moneychangers allowed. During the Passover, all men over the age of 12 had to attend the festival. To do so, they would need to pay a small amount of tax to the temple as well as provide a sacrifice.

Money Changers and Merchants

Since many people were from out of town, they did not have the Jewish temple currency. Instead, they would need to have their currency exchanged. The moneychangers did this work, in which they received a profit. Additionally, travellers usually also needed to buy an animal at the temple, usually a dove or a goat, which was sold for exorbitant prices.

Common Interpretations

Some common interpretations of the Jesus table flipping event are as follows:

  • Jesus saw trade in the Temple as a desecration of its true purpose so, maybe with the help of others, he tried to shut down the trade in sacrificial animals and the money-changing that was going on
  • He saw the Court of the Gentiles as a sacred place, part of God’s Temple. The general hullabaloo of the area made this impossible, and it angered him
  • He made an assessment that the trade and money changing exploited people, especially the poor, by making excessive charges, so he intervened
  • Jesus thought the priests and Temple personnel were abusing their sacred roles by being involved in business in a sacred area
  • There was already a conflict going on between the Sanhedrin and the High Priest Caiaphas in AD30, when Caiaphas allowed traders to set up markets in the Court of the Gentiles as punitive competition against markets controlled by the Sanhedrin.

(Fletcher, E. (2012). Jesus attacks the moneychangers.


  1. Why did Jesus flip the tables?
  2. If you were around when Jesus flipped the tables, how would you have  reacted? Would you be the kind of person to join in, or stay back? How do you think a poor person would have reacted to seeing this event? What about a merchant? Or a Roman soldier? Or a Rabbi?
  3. If Jesus lived (physically on earth) today, and He were to replicate this same event, whose tables would He overturn?

The participants write cards, draw pictures, and offer symbols of oppressive powers that we are called upon to resist today, and place them onto a prepared table.

A Prayer

Gracious Lord, who calls us to do what is just and right, working to free the robbed, support migrants, the orphaned, and the widowed. Thank you for this opportunity to think about your work and for the friends we have here today. We pray for continual guidance to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless, care for the sick, visit the imprisoned, and support and love our neighbours. Please provide us strength to enact your kingdom here, resisting unjust and oppressive conditions like Jesus did on his earthly ministry. We lovingly call you to witness our symbolic commitment to resisting evil, as we flip this table [flip table]. We love you Lord, Amen.

Courage – Orpah’s teaching

Courage – Orpah’s teaching

2017 10 31 SCM York Reflection

There’s a guy who comes to our Bible studies every Monday. He comes to practice his English, and he always apologizes for not being religious, and says he’s not a good person to be there. I disagree. I’m very grateful for the perspectives he brings to our discussions.

Recently we discussed the book of Ruth, he helped us remember that it’s okay and important to think about the background characters of a story. Naomi and Ruth are the protagonists, but there is another woman, Orpah. Orpah is important to think about. The story doesn’t go into detail about her, but she starts in the same situation as Ruth. After their husbands pass away, mother-in-law Naomi tells both Orpah and Ruth to leave and find husbands in Moab, their own country, where they might have a better chance at a good life. Orpah and Ruth cry and argue about leaving, but after Naomi persists, Orpah agrees to leave. Ruth refuses and insists on going with Naomi, who can’t provide for her, can’t guarantee her remarriage, can’t guarantee her survival. The narrative continues with Ruth and Naomi, and Orpah’s role in this story is over.

SCMer preparing a table at York University
The author prepares a table to be flipped at another SCM discussion group at York University

But our study group member identified with Orpah. He came to Canada a few years ago. He said he was weak, that when he encounters conflict, he runs. When someone is resisting violence, he stays quiet because he doesn’t want to be harmed by standing up. He said he left because, even though he had a good life, had a good post as a professor, and was comfortable, he didn’t like some things about his country. He came to Canada. He said if he didn’t like it here, he’d find another country.

He said all of this like it was a bad thing. He challenged me to think about his experience. I’m not someone who stays quiet about injustice and I know I can be confrontational when encouraging others to do so as well. But if you choose not to because you’re safe and you’re afraid of that changing, because you know you could be harmed and you’re not ready for that or you can’t risk that, you have the right to protect yourself and your safety.

And when he said he chose to leave, and that he thinks he’s weak for it, I didn’t see weakness but bravery. He took a huge risk in leaving for a country with a foreign language and culture. He went into a whole new discipline than the one in which he had his Ph.D. He went back to do another undergrad degree. He comes to school every day not knowing a lot of people and not having a strong support system or network of friends.

He’s brave, and strong, like Orpah.

That’s okay.

Feast for Friends report

On October 21, 2017, people from different walks gathered at Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre for a Feast for Friends. It was an afternoon and evening “to meet each other in friendship on the land,” and to share in meals, teaching, learning, and to hear about the previous week’s Mamawe Ota Askihk Festival, which had been supported by the SCM.

I began the day with a group by walking the four corners of the sacred land that Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre is built on. The day was sunny and beautiful and as we wandered through the woods we took down prayer flags from the previous Feast for Friends and tied up new ones. After lunch, I spent the afternoon examining a cowhide from the previous weeks festival, winnowing wild rice, and learning about an amazing farming initiative taking place in Garden Hill First Nation. Throughout the day there were many familiar faces, may new faces, and many new friends made. The day ended with a communal meal and a sharing circle to reflect on the day.

As Bill-262 is being debated in Parliament, a bill that would bring the Government to implement in law the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, it is important to bring friends together for feasts around the topics of land and food. Feast for Friends is one step in the direction of understanding and reconciliation, and a way to make new friends.

Chris Sundby

Your Faith on Feminism: Summary & Exhortation

Your Faith on Feminism: Summary & Exhortation

Your Faith on Feminism has brought together 35 people from countries including Canada, the US, India, and Mexico. We are Christians, Muslims, Jews, and followers of other spiritual traditions. We are women, non-binary people, and men. We are children, young people, parents, mentors, and elders.

We came to create a covenanted space – a safer space, and a brave space to explore the intersections of feminism, faith and justice. We acknowledge the traditions we bring with us – faith traditions, cultural traditions, healing traditions. We acknowledge the Indigenous traditions tied to this land.

In this space we have shared and documented our stories to empower ourselves and others. We have worked to own our stories and become comfortable with them, so that we can support others to tell their stories. We have listened to others’ truths and demystified stories different than our own. We have worked to decolonize ourselves by bringing to light the legacies we carry with us. We have explored art as a universal language of healing and solidarity. We have celebrated our cultural, artistic, and faith traditions.

We have spoken our own truths, knowing that we can only speak for ourselves. We have renewed our commitments to a continuous process of questioning, investigation, and reflection. We have worked to undermine ‘othering.’ We have honored the stories of those who have come before us, and those who will come after.

Interfaith Worship: Your Faith On Feminism


  • We are about to go home to different places, where we have different communities and commitments.
  • We will carry with us the stories we have told and heard, and share with others what we have learned from each other.
  • We will stand in solidarity with the people of our communities, and others across the world.
  • We will hold space for diverse feminist practices of advocacy, community, creativity and healing.
  • We will add our voices to the important conversations in our communities.
  • We will take time to situate ourselves, to discern and deepen our commitments.
  • We will be critical and inclusive.
  • We will be strong and vulnerable.
  • We will honour and challenge traditions.
  • We will sing, dance, write, protest, and nurture.
  • We will heal. We will love. We will walk with others who love us.

Generated by the community of the 2017 10 WSCF North America conference in Edmonton, Alberta. Your Faith on Feminism: Intersectional Feminist Theology responds to the Climate of Fear

A Pinch of Salt – participant reflection

Student Christian Movement Retreat: A Pinch of Salt: Everyone Belongs in the Kitchen!

– Reflection from Michiko Bown-Kai, Social Justice and Outreach Coordinator at Bloor Street United.

As someone with many connections to the people involved with SCM Toronto but not having had the
opportunity to participate much in the past, I looked forward to finally joining SCM for their fall retreat: A Pinch of Salt, September 23, 2017. It proved to be an excellent opportunity to get to know the SCM community better. The retreat was a blend of new and long-time SCM members that was very welcoming.

A Pinch of Salt was a great opportunity for me to continue the process of integrating my faith and activism. Part of this integration came from being part of a community that was modelling their commitment to social justice. For example, we were joined by Dr Bob Phillips, a Mi’kmaq elder, who helped us in acknowledging the traditional Indigenous territory on which we gathered. I appreciated that later in the program, everyone had the chance to be in deeper conversation with Bob, which encouraged relationship building beyond the acknowledgement.

Another part of integrating faith and activism came in the form of attending a workshop that included very insightful and concrete information about engaging in nonviolent direct action. While prayer can be a helpful way to discern the work God is calling you to do in the world, it’s also always helpful to have community to talk through some of the important and practical skills needed to carry out the work. I left the workshop feeling less mystified by direct action, and ready to find new ways to become more involved.

Rather than the whirlwind of many conferences that often leaves you feeling equally invigorated and exhausted afterwards, the retreat to Toronto Island felt like a meditative time to enjoy the beautiful weather and our time spent in community had a wonderful balance of conversation, workshop, and time to cook and make art. I noticed that instead of being in my head all day, which often happens at Christian conferences and retreats, I felt much more grounded in my body through the opportunities to cook and different role-playing exercises during our workshops.

What struck me most about the day was how incredibly peaceful I felt. The intimate size of the group gathered created space for us to get to know each other in a way that was organic and full of humour. Despite being a small group of people, I appreciated how much diversity was present including people from many parts of the world and many different Christian denominations. At lunch, I appreciated how this diversity enriched the conversation where people spoke to each other with openness and a shared appreciation to talking through difficult questions.

Callout for Devotional Writers – ‘Our Bible’ App

Are you committed to social justice, Christian faith, and sharing those ideas with others? Consider submitting a Devotional to the ‘Our Bible’ App.

Read more information here.

What is a devotional, and how do you write one?

A devotional is a daily reading program of almost any duration — from three days, to five or ten or even a hundred if you like. Each day consists of a title, a Bible verse or quote from any other source, and anywhere from 250-1000 words of commentary. While traditional Biblical devotionals rely on Bible verses for their inspiration, you can also feel free to quote from secular sources — many OBA readers identify as “spiritual but not religious”. You are in complete control of what theme(s) you choose, which source(s) you use, and how many days your devotional is separated into.

Why write one (or many)?

Devotionals heal both their readers and their writers. There is no ‘appropriate’ topic for a devotional: if you identify as a spiritual person or a person of faith, then any topic you’d like to discuss is valid. (Our editors do screen for offensive language or hate speech, of course.) You have total freedom to explore the most complex and vulnerable issues of life, with a community who accepts you as you are, even if your hometown community does not. Devotionals are an incredible tool for linking people of faith, people who can help each other grow with their particular wisdom, from far and wide. With more than ten thousand users signed up so far, you can be sure that your words will be treasured by someone in the app’s ever-growing collaborative network, and might even help someone you have no idea exists in ways you can’t imagine.

Parts of an Our Bible App devotional:

Theme & title: Must be explicit as to what the focus of your devotional is.

Main verse: What passage or quote is your message built on? For Bible passages, include translation (NIV, KJV, MSG)

Main message: Plan 250-1,000 words per message. Your message should be short and to the point, generally based on lived experience. Add your voice!

If you have content already generated that is thematically appropriate, but in a different format (such as blog posts or book chapters), please don’t hesitate to contact us, so we can adapt your work to OBA’s format and enable your words to reach over 10,000 users on Day 1.

Here is an example devotional, including submission information: