Submit a Proposal!

We are looking for workshop submission for Cahoots Festival 2016! Submit a workshop idea on faith & justice, the social gospel, justice in action, anti-oppression, Do It Yourself skill-sharing, art and everything in between!

Send us a short description and a bio of yourself to Workshops are usually between 1 and 1.5 hours.

Let us know if your workshop is all ages or not as well since we have kids coming too. Please include your name and email address.

Help us Organize!

Our festival is a DIY effort, and everyone is invited to be part of our structure. Being part of a Cahoots Committee is a way to share your skills, keep our ticket prices affordable and meet new people! These are committees that will meet mostly BEFORE the festival. Email if you want to join one of these committees! We. need. you. You can join any of the following committees:

Music and Sound
This committee recruits bands, schedules them and is responsible for the overall music program in the evening. This includes renting music equipment, and taking care of all the tech needs of the bands.

Kids and Play
Organize the kids’ program and schedule volunteers and facilitators to hold them. It also includes liaising with parents during the Festival and making sure everything goes smoothly!

Food and Drink
Ahh we love to eat, but we need people to work with Rachelle (our lovely cook) to meet any of her cooking needs. Also we need folks to organize kitchen volunteers and make food announcements.

Art and Creativity
This includes helping decorate the Festival and deciding how to incorporate art into the festival. You can set up for example a collaborative Cahoots art project at the Festival.

Safer Spaces & Hangouts

Organize and select afer spaces and Hangouts. Make the announcements for them during the Festival. You will also be responsible for dealing with any safer space issues that emerge with the rest of the committee.

Prayer & Support Tent
Help organize this space and organize volunteers who can take a shift supporting, counselling, praying, and talking with people.