If you are looking for a way to bring poetry, song and story together this coming second Sunday of Advent, consider this resource, created by the crafty peacemaker-prophets of Partera Peacebuilders International.
Includes Call to Worship, hymns, a poetic reflection on the Bible texts, prayers, and a sending/blessing.
Partera Advent 2 Peace Liturgy 2017
Partera International is a faithbased peace-building organization that conducts conflict transformation education and training in various places around the world as well as at home. We are based in Canada with a binational Board of Directors.
Partera is Spanish for “midwife” and speaks of our hope to aid the birth of peace among and alongside all life on Earth.
We share this brief liturgical resource for worship and/or small group use as an expression of our longing to see God’s peaceable will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, given life by midwives of peace and disciples of the One who was God’s Peace-Made-Flesh.
It is intended for use on the second Sunday of Advent, traditionally understood as Peace Sunday, Dec. 10th, 2017