Attend a global program in solidarity with communities around the world.
We are part of the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF), along with over 100 national SCMs on 6 continents. We send delegates to General Assemblies and pay dues to the global office in Geneva, though national SCMs are autonomous. WSCF has consultative status in the United Nations and is also involved with the World Council of Churches.
Past Global Programs
November 2015 – Pilgrimage of Resistance to the School of Americas, Georgia USA – We attended the School of Americas Watch Conference and marched in a procession of peace. We learned about different justice issues facing Latin American countries and protested war and military training.
July 2014 – Exposure Trip to El Salvador – This exposure trip was in partnership with the Mesoamerica Peace Centre in El Salvador. We learned about Liberation Theology, Ecological issues and Latin American politics, and visited sites where Oscar Romero lived and died. We learned from former Catholic Priest, who advocated for peasant rights and was a friend of Oscar Romero – Jose Alas. He was also active in the Liberation Theology movement in the 60s and 70s.